sell desktop and buy laptop?


Senior member
Dec 17, 2000
Has anyone done this recently and really regretted it? I am considering it. It seems like all I really do most of hte time on my desktop at home is surf and read email. With some occasional Autocad 2000 work and goofing off with photoshop, etc...

I'm using a dual PIII 700 o/c to 1ghz+ for this. Seems like a waste. Oh, I'm also serving static webpages and downloading stuff through morpheous, but those don't take a much.

I am thinking, (but haven't checked prices) that I can get $400-500 for my tower with everything in it. Add in the fact that my company will pay for a 1/3 of it, it's looking like I wouldn't have to come up with much cash "out of pocket". The Dell 8100's look like a great deal, seems like you can get a pretty good lappy for under 1500 depending on deals/coupons at the time.

Any thoughts? Tips?

I've got my old Abit BX6 rev II with a Celeron 300a@504 I could put in a new case to use for a server and connect to my new SMC wireless setup.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2001
Personally, I'd stick with the desktops. They're upgradeable, and cheaper. And if something breaks in a desktop, you can always swap the piece out. If it busts in a laptop, you have issues then. Unless you NEED a laptop, I wouldn't go that route. I have one that I use for work (given to me by my employer), but I still prefer my desktop any day.

Good luck either way.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
i did it and i'm happy. i didn't get one of those new video chipsets but i don't play fps games anyway. a bit of diablo 2. anyway, it works great for me as i like to have my pc with me at work and when i travel, portability is key.

to each his own tho, it's a big investment so make sure it's what you want. altho it sounds like you could build a pretty good desktop box anyway to supplement it.



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
If you're serving webpages, I'd just stick with a desktop. I don't like to leave mine (laptop) on, I usually shut the lid and let it go in standby. Laptop keyboards take some getting used to, although they're better then they were before. If you're serious about getting rid of the desktop, go for a docking station with keyboard/monitor/mouse hookups (unless the laptop has that already). I use my laptop at home with a 17" CRT and a keyboard and mouse. Makes it much more useable.