I've had a few.
You can return anything at anytime. We rarely check
If you bring in your computer to get serviced, you can garentee that a copy of your porn and/or MP3s was made
There was virtually no security in the store. We finally got one of those beepers near the elecrtonics section, but it was really flakey and went off all the time, so we never chased after anybody
black kids steal pens and pencils
Now I work for DHC (small company that installs commercial computer systems and alarm systems)
When a customer tells us how to do our job, we do it their way. Saves us alot of time arguing with them and we get more work out of it when things are fscked up because of them.
more companies hire us to install fake security systems then real ones
It is store policy of wal-mart to have a certain number of plastic domes to hold cameras. It is not, however, store policy to have any cameras in them. That decision is up to the manager
Customers frequently ask us to put a password on the computer, but then put the password on a stickynote on the monitor.
You can return anything at anytime. We rarely check
If you bring in your computer to get serviced, you can garentee that a copy of your porn and/or MP3s was made
There was virtually no security in the store. We finally got one of those beepers near the elecrtonics section, but it was really flakey and went off all the time, so we never chased after anybody
black kids steal pens and pencils
Now I work for DHC (small company that installs commercial computer systems and alarm systems)
When a customer tells us how to do our job, we do it their way. Saves us alot of time arguing with them and we get more work out of it when things are fscked up because of them.
more companies hire us to install fake security systems then real ones
It is store policy of wal-mart to have a certain number of plastic domes to hold cameras. It is not, however, store policy to have any cameras in them. That decision is up to the manager
Customers frequently ask us to put a password on the computer, but then put the password on a stickynote on the monitor.