Search Engine Question??


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2007
I have a business, which we will call Jims Turbo Shop (not the real name). Another shop has the name Bills Turbo Shop. My website utilizes good Meta tags, utilizes various search engine optimization, reviewed by a web programmer and website is in order.

My question is: How come when you search for my website Jims Turbo Shop, the first listing in Google is Bills Turbo Shop? Actually, my listing doesn’t show up until about 7 or 8 listings down. I viewed Bills Turbo Shop web page source, and there is nothing special in the meta tags or such.

Pretty much any combination of ANY Turbo Shop, shows Bills Turbo Shop first in Google. How does this happen? Even if it is paid advertising, does first place listing go to the highest bidder? I don’t mind paying for advertising with Google, but if he is paying too, will mine be first or second? Suppose then there is a third or fourth turbo shop that wants to advertise, will mine drop down?

Can someone explain how this works and what do I need to do to get a better listing with Google?


Golden Member
Sep 25, 2013
Does google bombing still work? It used to be, years ago, you could just keep searching and clicking on the desired link and eventually it would work its way to the top of the search results.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
find out what his page ranking is in google. it's higher than yours. he probably has better SEO (search engine optimization) than you do for your site. SEO is big in general and people will pay big bugs to have better SEO and get a higher page rank.

there are very basic things you can change to help your SEO which will increase your google page rank. he might be doing them and you might be doing any of them. just google SEO to find out more about it.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
If this is a local brick and mortar business, there's little reason to worry about it. People looking for your business will easily sort through the results if they're near the top.

If you do business over the 'net, then if it's something of a niche market, I'd expect the most popular, most highly trafficked 'turbo' shop web sites to come out on top.

What are the search results when the name is placed in double quotes? "Bill's Turbo Shop"?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Not including metatags, how many times does the phrase "Turbo Shop" appear on his site compared to yours?

Also, have you checked to see how many OTHER sites link to his page compared to yours?


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2007
If this is a local brick and mortar business, there's little reason to worry about it. People looking for your business will easily sort through the results if they're near the top.

If you do business over the 'net, then if it's something of a niche market, I'd expect the most popular, most highly trafficked 'turbo' shop web sites to come out on top.

What are the search results when the name is placed in double quotes? "Bill's Turbo Shop"?

This is not a brick and mortar store. Ecommerce only.

When I put in "Jims Turbo Shop . Com", in quotes, the results show "Bills Turbo Shop . Com and my listing is about 7 or 8th down. That is what really sort of pisses me off. Since I own Jims Turbo I would expect my listing to show up ahead of theirs.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2007
Not including metatags, how many times does the phrase "Turbo Shop" appear on his site compared to yours?

Also, have you checked to see how many OTHER sites link to his page compared to yours?

His site is about 20 pages and mine is about 5 pages big. Turbo Shop appears probably 10 times more on his site than on mine.

I have very few links and he has many links on his site.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
His site is about 20 pages and mine is about 5 pages big. Turbo Shop appears probably 10 times more on his site than on mine.

I have very few links and he has many links on his site.

those are 2 of the many reasons your site does not get as high results.

do his urls have words in them like "" and yours just has "" ? that also makes a big difference.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
I seem to recall that one metric google used was the number of sites that link to a specific site?
So if there are lots of sites linking to Bills site, it would have a higher ranking.


Elite Member <br>Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2005
those are 2 of the many reasons your site does not get as high results.

do his urls have words in them like "" and yours just has "" ? that also makes a big difference.

Yep, this. The algorithms are pretty complex, but in general Google is ranking his site higher because of some combination of: it's larger and hits more keywords, it's probably changing more often, it has more in-bound high-quality links. It's no longer a simple matter of having the right meta tags and keywords.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
is this a new site? when i search for "bill's turbo shop" i only see this thread as a result.

your site might not have been crawled yet. you can try to see your actual serp. when you search on your local machine google will tailor your results based on search history and cookies.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
There's a nice plugin for Firefox and Chrome called SEO Quake and it will analyze your Google searches and the results that appear.

There are a few things to consider here: First, if your domain is less than two years old and Bill's is older, he will get some preference in Google search. Second, if his has more linkbacks (external sites that link to his site, including social media) he will get a bump. Third, the "Google bombing" approach doesn't work any more. If Google detects your site is being listed on these link farms, you'll get demoted. Link farms are just domains that have nothing but links to sites who have paid to be on there - sometimes there are hundreds of thousands of these domains serving as link farms.

There are some good books you can get on Amazon about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you might consider spending a few bucks if you have a Kindle and start reading. Keep in mind that they are not quick fixes, most will take at least 3 months to have a noticeable effect. But if you're already on page 1 of some searches, you're ahead of the game.

P.S. Google Webmaster Tools and Keyword Tool are your friends.

[edit]Be careful with any "black hat" individuals that promise to help game the system for you. JCPenney, for example, got completely blacklisted from Google a few years ago because they were cheating.[/edit]
Last edited:


Golden Member
Mar 22, 2006
is this a new site? when i search for "bill's turbo shop" i only see this thread as a result.

your site might not have been crawled yet. you can try to see your actual serp. when you search on your local machine google will tailor your results based on search history and cookies.

I believe the "turbo shop" sites he's giving in the OP are not the real sites. He's just using them as examples in place of his actual website........


Sep 27, 2003
"My website utilizes good Meta tags, utilizes various search engine optimization, reviewed by a web programmer and website is in order."

Your programmer is crap if he doesn't know the basics of SEO, or doesn't have a SEO professional that handles optimization. It's not enough to just have a good looking website anymore.

Meta tags really offer very little benefit from a SEO perspective anymore. Name wise, could just be domain authority. Don't know how old/new either website is, the actual content, but sounds like his has been around longer, better structure, and more backlinks. I know your actual business isn't "turbo shop", but sometimes Google will give preference to the most popular location or search, even if you use a different brand name.

PM me if you'd like me to do a quick analysis over your page and your competition. Normally simple enough to figure out what's going on and why.