Screw the Dodge Ram SRT-10...Supercharged HEMI Dodge Ram at SEMA :-)


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix

we really need a jaw dropping icon.

The truck looks rather ugly in the color...and rather ricey I might add but:

The Kenne Bell Hemi-Ram now makes over 500hp thanks to the addition of a 2.2-liter Blowzilla Twin Screw Kenne Bell Supercharger, a Kenne Bell Intercooler, an Optima High-Performance Battery, Kenne Bell Optimizer II Electronic High-Performance Engine Management Software, a Kenne Bell Boost-A-Pump Fuel System, a set of 16-Denso Iridium Spark Plugs and a Kenne Bell AirForce Intake Induction System.

There should be a fap-fap icon :p


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2000
They can't be serious about those wheels. You would think a hemi would crank out more than 300 HP, but 440 lbs of torque is nice.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Hamburgerpimp
They can't be serious about those wheels. You would think a hemi would crank out more than 300 HP, but 440 lbs of torque is nice.

The stock 5.7 liter Hemi V8 cranks out 345hp at 5,400rpm with 375-lb.ft. of torque at 4,200rpm


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2002
"Blowzilla Twin Screw", I think I went to highschool with a girl who had that nickname.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4

There should be a fap-fap icon :p

you'd think someone around here would have some pull and could get these sorts of things accomplished ;)


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
hmmm... someone needs to get mechBgon on a new smiley


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
So now adding aftermarket is okay? :p you need to make up your mind NFS ;)

This is the smarter track BTW, that Stock numbers crap was pretty lame :Q ;)


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Looks like they gave a ricer that truck and free access to the set of fast and the furious. Hands down from me.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LAUST
So now adding aftermarket is okay? :p you need to make up your mind NFS ;)

This is the smarter track BTW, that Stock numbers crap was pretty lame :Q ;)

Compared to the SRT-10, it's the smarter move.

As for stock numbers, the Hemi's stock numbers are better than YOUR stock numbers :D


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
Too bad in the performance world stock numbers mean jack :p plus mine is not a race truck, it's pure towing, ever hear of putting a LOW STALL converter in a race vehicle.... I think not :p ;)

this is a smarter move, though that Boost-a-pump will trash the pump in 1 season, and Iridium plugs are gonna run them $130 every season since those heads need 16 of em.... My copper core's are $1.19 and I only need 8.... Try to find a price on that Hemi engine too, I can land a 6.0 liter for mine for about $2,200. :D

Sucks for Mopar cause their solutions just ALWAYS end up more expensive seems like no matter what they do.

I do agree 100% though, this is a MUCH smarter move then that dumb Viper engine solution, Mopar just needs to do it themselves and put in the pump from the V-10... the plugs is just a cost of the industry


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LAUST
Too bad in the performance world stock numbers mean jack :p plus mine is not a race truck, it's pure towing, ever hear of putting a LOW STALL converter in a race vehicle.... I think not :p ;)

this is a smarter move, though that Boost-a-pump will trash the pump in 1 season, and Iridium plugs are gonna run them $130 every season since those heads need 16 of em.... My copper core's are $1.19 and I only need 8.... Try to find a price on that Hemi engine too, I can land a 6.0 liter for mine for about $2,200. :D

Sucks for Mopar cause their solutions just ALWAYS end up more expensive seems like no matter what they do.

Bla bla bla bla!!! "My GM truck can haul a loaded F-16 with cluster bombs up 6% grade at 55 MPH and eat your Hemi butt"
"GM rockors" or "Dodge trucks should eat crap and die and should be strung upside down by their crappy transmissions" "At least GM didn't have to be bailed out by the Gov back in the 80's" Bla bla bla. I've heard 'em all :)

I also hear you brag a lot about hauling crap up moutains in Colorado, but last time I checked, must of us Americans live on relatively flat land...not in the nosebleed section in underpopulated, cob-web filled, ice cicle states like Colorado :D


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
BTW did you dispute any of those bla bla's you mentioned? No... also I tow at 85mph get it stright, and I had 2 passengers if you need proof :p, plus thats extra weight :eek: ;)
Last edited:


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LAUST
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: LAUST
Too bad in the performance world stock numbers mean jack :p plus mine is not a race truck, it's pure towing, ever hear of putting a LOW STALL converter in a race vehicle.... I think not :p ;)

this is a smarter move, though that Boost-a-pump will trash the pump in 1 season, and Iridium plugs are gonna run them $130 every season since those heads need 16 of em.... My copper core's are $1.19 and I only need 8.... Try to find a price on that Hemi engine too, I can land a 6.0 liter for mine for about $2,200. :D

Sucks for Mopar cause their solutions just ALWAYS end up more expensive seems like no matter what they do.

Bla bla bla bla!!! "My GM truck can haul a loaded F-16 with cluster bombs up 6% grade at 55 MPH and eat your Hemi butt"
"GM rockors" or "Dodge trucks should eat crap and die and should be strung upside down by their crappy transmissions" "At least GM didn't have to be bailed out by the Gov back in the 80's" Bla bla bla. I've heard 'em all :)

I also hear you brag a lot about hauling crap up moutains in Colorado, but last time I checked, must of us Americans live on relatively flat land...not in the nosebleed section in underpopulated, cob-web filled, ice cicle states like Colorado :D
How many people live in your town? is it 3 million like Denver? I'll look at the books, Prepared to be owned again? ;)

I said STATE!!!!! Can't you read there Mr. Eskimo? :D


Colorado: 4,417,714
North Carolina: 8,186,268

LOL, if there are 4.4 million total in Colorado the most of you are crammed in like sardines in Denver :D
Apr 5, 2000
Several Lightning owners swapped the stock Eaton blower with a Kenne Bell and are hitting mid to low 11's with it. Lets see the Dodge do that :p