Scary, but Cool...


Golden Member
May 13, 2001
Kind of freaky that they even provide directions to you house, so someone that has caller ID can take you phone number and then find you...

If you type in your phone number on
First page on Search xxx-xxx-xxxx it comes up with your name and address
and then directions to your home via mapquest.
Read below to Remove this.

Many people are unaware of this option is on the net. Go to Then type in your phone number separated by hyphens
(on Search area), including area code (xxx-xxx-xxxx)and click on Google
Search. If your phone number is listed, it will show your name and address
and give you two map options: Yahoo and MapQuest. See how accurate the map
is to your home.
Any person wishing to discover the physical location of a phone number, be
it a home or business address, could use this feature to locate a physical
street address and receive directions on how to get there from anywhere in
the country. We all know the dangers of this--for adults and our children!
Google has made available an option that will allow anyone to REMOVE their
telephone number from the database that is linked to the mapping feature.
You will first need to check if your number is listed in this manner by
attempting a search - entering your full telephone number separated by
dashes (xxx-xxx-xxxx). If the number appears in the mapping database, an
icon resembling a telephone will appear next to the first or second entry on
the results page. Clicking on this icon will take you to a page containing a
description of the service and a link to request your number be removed from
the database.
At the bottom of the first page look for the line stating " To have your
residential or business phone and address information removed from the
Google PhoneBook, click here."
Clik the "click here" and fill up th online form and submit it.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Hmm my number is fairly new but it does list the old person's address linked to it!


Golden Member
May 13, 2001
I'm pretty sure they do this through the phone ccompanies that make the white pages, so if you're not listed in those then you're probably not listed on google. I removed mine from google anyway, just incase ;).


Senior member
Mar 22, 2001
lots of sites do this, google makes it easier than any i've seen though. and others. i never knew google did it that way, nor that they link right to directions.


Sep 18, 2001
don't forget that alot of info is cosider to be public. So if someone wants to find something about you and it consider public info they will not have much trouble, if its not public info and they have enough money/connection they can still get the info.