Scandall Pro software


Junior Member
Dec 28, 2015
I accidentally deleted my Scandall Pro scanner software. I have downloaded the program but can't seem to activate it. the . exe file does not seem to work. any help would be apprecieated. Thanks.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
The current driver for your scanner is ver. 2.1. Follow the installation instructions on Fujitsu's driver page for your scanner.


* ScandAll PRO V2.1.0 or any later version is not compatible with ScandAll PRO ScanSnap mode Add-in. Please use ScanSnap Manager for fi Series instead of ScandAll PRO ScanSnap mode Add-in. You can submit a request from the Request Form to download ScanSnap Manager for fi Series.

* Please also update ScanSnap Manager for fi Series to 1.0.7 or later if any earlier version is installed when updating this application.


Be sure you log into Windows® as a user with administrator privileges

1. Download "SAPV210VUP.exe" onto your hard drive.

2. Quit any other applications that are running on your computer. Stop any scanning operations if you are using the scanner.

3. Execute "SAPV210VUP.exe" that you downloaded in step 1. This creates a folder called "SAPV210VUP" in the same folder where the program is stored.

4. Double-click the ScandAllPRO.exe file which is located in the SAPV210VUP folder.

5. How to check the ScandAll PRO version after the update (Perform in sequence):
Please refer to How to confirm the ScandAll PRO update.

* Now that you have completed the update, please refer to the icon-pdf README prior to activating it.

Hope that helps. :)