save me from further aggravation...need help regarding WINXP pro registration and activation


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Its my first time on this part of the forums so please bear with me.

I have a friend who is offering me an OEM Windows XP pro. Hes giving to me for a good price, but am told about a few issues regarding the software.He has told me that the software was originally for him but backed out and changed his mind regarding the OS. Trouble is he has registered the OS on his name already. I say OK i'll try to load it on my PC, register it on my name and let him know how it turns out.

Question i want to ask it is:
a. Can i still legally own the OS even though he has registered it on his name already??
b. Regarding the activation issue, granting he has activated it already, can i still legally own it??
c. Is there no way to transfer the OS ownership??

I can try to load it on my PC and find out then and there, but maybe you guys can help me out quickly and save me further aggravation.

Thanks in advance.



Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
The end-user-license-agreement has the actual langauge you need to check. Your friend should have the EULA that came with his copy or it might be posted on

Generally MS tries to tie the OS to a specific machine and once bound to that machine they say you can't legally transfer the OS to any other machine. You and your friend might be able to fill out something to transfer ownership of the hardware-plus-OS though, where the hardware is some part(s) from his PC.

<-- not a lawyer, not offering you legal advice.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2002
Umm... if it's already activated, the you don't need to activate it. When asked if you wish to register with Microsoft upon instalation, just click no, not as this time.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
If you are installing it on a different machine, you will have to activate it again. You will just have to call Microsoft and get a new number to do it. Just tell them you got a new motherboard. As long as only one person is using it, you are doing nothing illegal. He can legally sell it to you if he doesn't continue to use it. The registration doesn't affect that.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
But it's an OEM. That means it's tied to the hardware it was installed with, right? That would mean you couldn't transfer it to another machine, right?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Yep its OEM, so it actually tied to like what earthman said, if i changed motherboards, will that be OK??


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2000
I disagree with the OEM being tied to the hardware it came with...what of all us peeps that got in on the testing of XP that got OEM copies for helping out with testing....I know I can put that copy on any machine since no hardware was associated with it...
I will be very interested in how this turns out for you as I gave my OEM copy that I received for helping MS out during the testing phase to my friend and he installed it and then uninstalled it as he didn't like, now I have a copy sitting here that was activated but is unused...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well i just installed the OS and as it turns out, i cant activate it:|

MS was giving me a message about the OS having exceeded the number of times for activation.

So i just returned it back.

Anyway if someone can give me anymore info on how to go about this, i will surely appreciate it.

Regards and many thanks to all.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ronein
Well i just installed the OS and as it turns out, i cant activate it:|

MS was giving me a message about the OS having exceeded the number of times for activation.

So i just returned it back.

Anyway if someone can give me anymore info on how to go about this, i will surely appreciate it.

Regards and many thanks to all.

That happens like it says, after a number of time being reinstalled it the refers you to ring MS. I have had to do this. When you try to install it a final screen appears and gives you another number an advises you that you have exceeded the amount of times you can install it. Keep this number safe. Ring MS, give them the number and they will give you a new ID number. They then authorise is at MS and you reconnect to the internet and enter the number they give you. Done. It's a pain in the @ss but it works.



Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
^^^^^^What Shagga said

I've had this happen 2 or 3 times. Just call them up. They'll ask what you're up to, tell them you changed out the MoBo, NIC, or whatever and they'll give you a new authorization code.

They've never given me any sh*t about it so far (knock wood). If they ever did, I go get a Corp Ed and use it.:)