Saudi king chides UK on terrorism

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Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Noobtastic
what's so funny? how do you expect him to fight terrorism and funding from within his country if he doesn't have enough information about it?
Are you serious?

he's obviously being kept out of the loop on both sides, which is annoying if you're trying to get things done.

You're so retarded.

Don't be discouraged. You're encountering the jihadist cheerleading section with this thread.
Jun 26, 2007
Originally posted by: Aimster
Saudi Arabia supported the Taliban because they fall under the same category of Islam as they do. That is why in Saudi Arabia women walk around with rugs over their freaking face and are not allowed to drive.

They might have supported the Taliban, but they never supported Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a threat to the regime of Saudi Arabia and was a dangerous group to have sitting around in the Kingdom. They only supported the Taliban because of their religious viewpoints.
Afghanistan was the present day version of Saudi Arabia without the oil.

You are so clueless that it's sad, but i'm not going to say anything more, i'm too tired to educate you on what you can find on google or even from a semi educated friend or parent.

There is nothing in your post that is correct.

Al Quaida didn't even fucking exist when the Bin Ladin family were sent on their way, you don't know anything about this, you just make up shit to try to seem informed.

Just for the uninformed, Bin Ladin was not happy with the Monarchy's support for the US and other countries, letting them set up bases in SA, Al Quaida didn't even exist back then, they were created by Taliban soldiers supported by SA to eliminate the US influence in SA, SA played both sides for a while before it became too obvious and they had some US boot licking to do.

Aimster, making shit up doesn't help you or anyone else, i've been in Afghanistan for a long time, i know the history of the Taliban and the groups it used to consist of, they are not SA kind of Wahabbists either even if that makes your Shia arse happy to curse them because of it, or are you saying that the Taliban are Sunnis under Wahabbist rules, if you told them that to their face they'd not be satisfied by beheading you.

Please just shut up when you have nothing to add instead of making shit up.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Aimster
Saudi Arabia supported the Taliban because they fall under the same category of Islam as they do. That is why in Saudi Arabia women walk around with rugs over their freaking face and are not allowed to drive.

They might have supported the Taliban, but they never supported Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a threat to the regime of Saudi Arabia and was a dangerous group to have sitting around in the Kingdom. They only supported the Taliban because of their religious viewpoints.
Afghanistan was the present day version of Saudi Arabia without the oil.

You are so clueless that it's sad, but i'm not going to say anything more, i'm too tired to educate you on what you can find on google or even from a semi educated friend or parent.

There is nothing in your post that is correct.

Al Quaida didn't even fucking exist when the Bin Ladin family were sent on their way, you don't know anything about this, you just make up shit to try to seem informed.

Just for the uninformed, Bin Ladin was not happy with the Monarchy's support for the US and other countries, letting them set up bases in SA, Al Quaida didn't even exist back then, they were created by Taliban soldiers supported by SA to eliminate the US influence in SA, SA played both sides for a while before it became too obvious and they had some US boot licking to do.

Aimster, making shit up doesn't help you or anyone else, i've been in Afghanistan for a long time, i know the history of the Taliban and the groups it used to consist of, they are not SA kind of Wahabbists either even if that makes your Shia arse happy to curse them because of it, or are you saying that the Taliban are Sunnis under Wahabbist rules, if you told them that to their face they'd not be satisfied by beheading you.

Please just shut up when you have nothing to add instead of making shit up.

Direct and indirect Saudi support of the Sunni fringe can be simply boiled down to the threat of Shia ascendancy. Oh, darn. I guess Wolfie and Rums-failed didn't think about that when they created the 100 million population of the Iraq/Iran Shia domain.

AQ's roots began in Egypt with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Sayyid Qutb. al-Zawahiri expanded the ideals of a modern Islamic jihad as set forth by Qutb. AQ is just a continuation of his anti-westernist preachings (and that of his brother who took it up after he was hanged).


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: JohnOfSheffield
Originally posted by: Aimster
Saudi Arabia supported the Taliban because they fall under the same category of Islam as they do. That is why in Saudi Arabia women walk around with rugs over their freaking face and are not allowed to drive.

They might have supported the Taliban, but they never supported Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was a threat to the regime of Saudi Arabia and was a dangerous group to have sitting around in the Kingdom. They only supported the Taliban because of their religious viewpoints.
Afghanistan was the present day version of Saudi Arabia without the oil.

You are so clueless that it's sad, but i'm not going to say anything more, i'm too tired to educate you on what you can find on google or even from a semi educated friend or parent.

There is nothing in your post that is correct.

Al Quaida didn't even fucking exist when the Bin Ladin family were sent on their way, you don't know anything about this, you just make up shit to try to seem informed.

Just for the uninformed, Bin Ladin was not happy with the Monarchy's support for the US and other countries, letting them set up bases in SA, Al Quaida didn't even exist back then, they were created by Taliban soldiers supported by SA to eliminate the US influence in SA, SA played both sides for a while before it became too obvious and they had some US boot licking to do.

Aimster, making shit up doesn't help you or anyone else, i've been in Afghanistan for a long time, i know the history of the Taliban and the groups it used to consist of, they are not SA kind of Wahabbists either even if that makes your Shia arse happy to curse them because of it, or are you saying that the Taliban are Sunnis under Wahabbist rules, if you told them that to their face they'd not be satisfied by beheading you.

Please just shut up when you have nothing to add instead of making shit up.

I am making up sh!t?
This is false to you?:

Al Qaeda is a threat to the monarchy of Saudi Arabia

The Taliban and Saudi Arabia both shared views that are related to the Whabbi sect of Islam.

Saudi Arabia is currently fighting AL Qaeda and other terrorist networks inside Saudi Arabia.

The above three are B.S? I think not.
& I am not even Muslim.


Dec 21, 2005
JoS > Aimster is partially correct. AQ is, in fact, a huge threat to most of the leaders in Saudi's royal family. Osama would like nothing more than to destroy them and replace them witha more fundamentalist regime. The jihadists even have a name for their eternal battle against the leaders in SA, Egypt, and other Islamic countries where the leaders are moderate. They call it "the near jihad." It is the other side of their jihadist coin, "the far jihad," which they wage against the West.

That said, Aimster goes off track a bit when he dismisses the real truth - and that is the fact that the fundamentalist Wahabi leaders in SA do, in fact, funnel a ton of money to the jihadists. They too would like to see the SA royals fall, and the West defeated. Many of them are even members themselves of the royal extended family. In some families, such as Osama's own, it's brother vs. brother!

SA truly is a hotbed of terrorist support. The greatest trick the SA leadership has pulled off over the last six years is pretending this isn't so - and for some reason, *cough*oil*cough*, our damn US leadership plays right along!

So the top SA royal family members have a vested interest in defeating the same jihadists we are battling every day - but some of their cousins and religious leaders are fighting them and us every step of the way!


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: palehorse74
JoS > Aimster is partially correct. AQ is, in fact, a huge threat to most of the leaders in Saudi's royal family. Osama would like nothing more than to destroy them and replace them witha more fundamentalist regime. The jihadists even have a name for their eternal battle against the leaders in SA, Egypt, and other Islamic countries where the leaders are moderate. They call it "the near jihad." It is the other side of their jihadist coin, "the far jihad," which they wage against the West.

That said, Aimster goes off track a bit when he dismisses the real truth - and that is the fact that the fundamentalist Wahabi leaders in SA do, in fact, funnel a ton of money to the jihadists. They too would like to see the SA royals fall, and the West defeated. Many of them are even members themselves of the royal extended family. In some families, such as Osama's own, it's brother vs. brother!

SA truly is a hotbed of terrorist support. The greatest trick the SA leadership has pulled off over the last six years is pretending this isn't so - and for some reason, *cough*oil*cough*, our damn US leadership plays right along!

So the top SA royal family members have a vested interest in defeating the same jihadists we are battling every day - but some of their cousins and religious leaders are fighting them and us every step of the way!

Saudi Arabia is one of our biggest problems in the Middle East. It's really "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach run amok, and now we're in too deep to extricate ourselves. We're forced to support an unpopular, undemocratic, oppressive government because we've been doing it for so long that a popular uprising would almost certainly leave SA in control of people who deeply hate us. I can't think of an obvious way around it, but I also think it's going to explode (possibly quite literally) in our faces before too long.


Jul 9, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: palehorse74
JoS > Aimster is partially correct. AQ is, in fact, a huge threat to most of the leaders in Saudi's royal family. Osama would like nothing more than to destroy them and replace them witha more fundamentalist regime. The jihadists even have a name for their eternal battle against the leaders in SA, Egypt, and other Islamic countries where the leaders are moderate. They call it "the near jihad." It is the other side of their jihadist coin, "the far jihad," which they wage against the West.

That said, Aimster goes off track a bit when he dismisses the real truth - and that is the fact that the fundamentalist Wahabi leaders in SA do, in fact, funnel a ton of money to the jihadists. They too would like to see the SA royals fall, and the West defeated. Many of them are even members themselves of the royal extended family. In some families, such as Osama's own, it's brother vs. brother!

SA truly is a hotbed of terrorist support. The greatest trick the SA leadership has pulled off over the last six years is pretending this isn't so - and for some reason, *cough*oil*cough*, our damn US leadership plays right along!

So the top SA royal family members have a vested interest in defeating the same jihadists we are battling every day - but some of their cousins and religious leaders are fighting them and us every step of the way!

Saudi Arabia is one of our biggest problems in the Middle East. It's really "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach run amok, and now we're in too deep to extricate ourselves. We're forced to support an unpopular, undemocratic, oppressive government because we've been doing it for so long that a popular uprising would almost certainly leave SA in control of people who deeply hate us. I can't think of an obvious way around it, but I also think it's going to explode (possibly quite literally) in our faces before too long.

I say we should have used all the funds wasted away in Iraq to invade and occupy oil-rich Saudi Arabia.


A) Saudi Arabia has no military other than are own.

B) 1/3 of the populous are basically slave laborers who aren't loyal to anybody.

C) Unlike Iraq, Saudi Arabia is a fairly safe country. The strict laws and oppressive government leadership has resulted in very little civil violence.

D) No one likes the Royal Family. You're not going to find a million men baathist army ready to defend their God.

Not that I'm advocating this persay, but it sure would have been a lot more productive than sitting with thumbs up our asses playing find the terrorist in sands**t Iraq.



Jan 5, 2003
Saudi Arabia has a big military.
It's people are fanatical wackos that would all blow themselves up and kill every U.S soldier that occupied their land.

Invasion of Saudi Arabia is disaster.
U.S troops in Mecca? Are you kidding me?


Jul 9, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Saudi Arabia has a big military.

Yeah, our military.

It's people are fanatical wackos that would all blow themselves up and kill every U.S soldier that occupied their land.


Invasion of Saudi Arabia is disaster.

Duh. But at least we'll actually get something out of it. The World is going to hate us anyways, so I see no problem in doing something productive than financially damaging.

U.S troops in Mecca? Are you kidding me?

Well, Islam is a religion of peace, right? Mecca is a breeding camp for Jidhad activity anyways.


Jan 5, 2003
Invasion of Saudi Arabia would turn into a regional war.

Some nations you do not touch because their influence in the region is too strong.


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Noobtastic
listen to what you just said...

/waits to see the gears start to turn in noob's head

Uh? The U.K buys oil from SA, and some of the money is funneled to Islamic terrorist groups around the world.

so you DO realize that the west is basically funding their own war by being the by proxy funder of terrorism...


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Aimster
Saudi Arabia has a big military.
It's people are fanatical wackos that would all blow themselves up and kill every U.S soldier that occupied their land.

Invasion of Saudi Arabia is disaster.
U.S troops in Mecca? Are you kidding me?

Just because we do not willingly use the necessary means to enact large scale measures against a hostile population, does not mean we couldn't. It?s really just a question of how much we are willing to bleed to protect enemy combatants from being collateral damage.

People don?t fight well without utilities and food/water. Most nations when faced with a creditable threat like ?It's people are fanatical wackos that would all blow themselves up and kill every U.S soldier that occupied their land.? would enact scorched earth and total war philosophy to readily solve such problems.


Jul 9, 2005
Originally posted by: eits
Originally posted by: Noobtastic
listen to what you just said...

/waits to see the gears start to turn in noob's head

Uh? The U.K buys oil from SA, and some of the money is funneled to Islamic terrorist groups around the world.

so you DO realize that the west is basically funding their own war by being the by proxy funder of terrorism...

Yes, I've stated this MANY, MANY, MANY times.

You think I am wasting my time because of partisan beliefs? I'm just stating the obvious here, this isn't new information.

S**t clearly is an acquired taste, as demonstrated by the millions of Americans who've been eating it for the past 50 years.



Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Noobtastic
Geez, you have to be monumentally retarded to pout about terrorism when your country has been funneling oil money to terrorist organizations since the 40s. Only in the Middle East. :D

No, you just need to be a rich Sheik laughing all the way to the bank. Oil is more valuable than gold it seems these days (not per unit, but in general) and the King is loving it.