SATA question


Senior member
Jun 12, 2004
So sometimes after my computer gets the BSD during gaming (and no it doesn't hang or anything and just restarts so i can barely see what it's telling me, though theres something about a device driver usually when i do an error report to microsoft) computer will restart basically and when it does it will hang while it's loading. I heard someone say that their SATA was hanging at a similar point that mine was. I was just wondering, why this is occuring. It's weird because all i have to do is restart it again and it will work everytime, but occasionally it will hang, and for no real reason i can tell! Any comments would be quite appreciated.

Oh sorry...

I have just a raptor harddrive for my SATA, i also have an ATA drive. but i hardly use the ATA one. My motherboard is abit kv8 max-3...


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2005
user LIGHTWEIGHT was having similar problems, this is what i told him.

Right click on my computer, go to Properties, click the advanced tab, under STARTUP AND RECOVERY click Settings

Under the system failure section, you should see a checkbox for "Automatically Restart" thats probably checked. UNcheck it and run the program again.

Now the Blue screen should stay there until you reboot the computer. Note the Stop error number, it should be in the format: STOP: 0x00000### and search for it in google.