
Junior Member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi All,
looking for some advice on putting this box together for 1 of my kids. I've currently got the big switcheroooo getting ready to happen at the home front. With 4 gamers I'm constantly fighting the upgrade battle. I just picked up the new asus sli board for myself (yup spoiled brat) and I'm looking to re-build this other mobo for my son. The new mobo I picked up for my son is a gigabyte GA-7N400 pro2 . My question is regarding the SATA or the gigaraid. Coming out of my current teardown I will have available 2 - 120 gig maxtore 7200 spin 8mb cache + 2 80 gig same specs drives. An xp2400+ and a 128 mb BFG 6800 gtoc video card + 1 512 meg pny pc2100 simms. I dont know if it is worth the extra cash to invest in SATA drives or should I use the ones I have available?? I'm waiting for his new case from newegg which should be here by Tuesday. The board supports Gigaraid and SATA Raid and I'm unsure as to the best direction to proceed. I've put several boxes toghether but never a machine that supports SATA. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Oh .. I also have a Thermalake volcano 12 for cpu cooling. This boy Luves his games so I need as much space as I can get.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2005
Seeing as how gigaraid on that board is a peice of shit, I would try SATA. Ohh you better believe I an use foul language! I have that very board, and believe you-me, I wasn't thrilled that RAID0 gave _no_ preformance boost over a single drive. In any testing. Nothing. Didnt feel faster either. Bad raid chip on those boards I later found out. I never tried the SATA RAID on it but it should be alright as it use a more trusted chip.


Junior Member
Jan 16, 2005
Hmmm...well i guess i was trying to see if the performance gain would be worth laying out the extra $$$ on SATA drives. How has your experience with the board itself been ..outside of the gigaraid configuration...I'm asking because I havent even opened the board at this point and I could return it for say an asus a7n8e-deluxe. The shop I deal with would swap me even up.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2005
Return it. The only good points on the board were the dual bios (that actually DID NOT save me when one bios messed up) and I really like how it looks. It also did not overclock well and didnt play well with my kingston Hyper X ram etc etc.. Basically pretty looking junk.