Sapphire X800 no longer sensing molex connection


Senior member
Oct 22, 2003
The cuircit breaker flipped when a lamp was plugged in, my machine was behind surge protection (crappy one). I have a cheap PSU (450 watt, came with case, non name brand) and now my video card (Saphire X800 Pro, AGP, connects via the larger molex style plug) will not let the machine boot. I get an error saying that it doesn't have the external (moleX) power connection.
I've tried:
Using a known good molex connection (it was to my HDD)
testing the Video cards old power connector; it works
using a different card(GForce 2 MX), it boots fine
Pluging my video card(X800) into a different machine, I get the same error

So I have narrowed it down to my video card. Everything else in the system is fine, except the video card. Is it posible to repair it? I can't RMA it, I don't have the origonal packaging or a reciept.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2001
No, you probably can't repair it. Sounds like the power failure with the lamp took out your vid card.


Senior member
Oct 22, 2003
Damnit! Well this is disgruntling... A 1$ yard-sale lamp took out a 400$ video card. Either way, I've now decided to A: Always go newegg/ZZF on hardware; B: Use real PSUs (IE antec, enermax, OCZ) and C: replace surge protectors after 12 years (at minimum).