M ManuTOmanU Golden Member Mar 17, 2000 1,165 0 0 Sep 17, 2003 #1 Is that normal, that my 160 Gig Spinpoint only has 152Gb of space running Win XP? What should I do? Thanks
Is that normal, that my 160 Gig Spinpoint only has 152Gb of space running Win XP? What should I do? Thanks
B Budman Lifer Oct 9, 1999 10,980 0 0 Sep 17, 2003 #2 yes it's normal. move along,nothing to see here....
B Budman Lifer Oct 9, 1999 10,980 0 0 Sep 17, 2003 #4 Why doesn?t my hard drive have the advertised amount of space? taken from Anandtech FAQs , keep it in your favorites & next time you have a question search there. http://www.anandtech.com/guides/faqs.html
Why doesn?t my hard drive have the advertised amount of space? taken from Anandtech FAQs , keep it in your favorites & next time you have a question search there. http://www.anandtech.com/guides/faqs.html