Yep! I agree. Max reliability suits me better anyway. BTW - if you use the Advanced Settings tab, you can manually tailor things. BTW, I disabled Hibernation using Command Prompt, elevated Mode. I never use hibernation or sleep.
The only thing I wish for as pertains to Samsung and RAPID : a larger cache size. Someone here -- in this or another thread -- posted a link to an outfit called "Romex Software" and their "PrimoCache" product. It is unclear to me whether this offers an alternative to ISRT-caching or Marvell's "HyperDuo," or if it includes options beyond SSD/HDD caching to include RAM caching of SSDs. Just scanning their promotional info and diagrams, it seems to suggest this latter possibility.
BUT! There's always a better assurance things will work flawlessly when the drivers and solutions are provided by the HW manufacturer, rather than another party.
I think I may be right about the Romex option, though. And I think I read where it saves the RAM caching contents to SSD or HDD, so that the solution works more like ISRT. With RAPID, you create a new cache at every boot-up.
ON HIBERNATION AND SLEEP-STATES: I may be coming back to the crossroads on this system (in my sig). I don't want it to sleep most of the time, because I use it for HTPC duty. That application has so little impact on CPU usage -- the only requirement is total stability. But because I have the option of switching over to cable-box HD on the same HDTV for the same channels including premiums, I might want to sleep the computer here and there.
In this case, the OC settings may defeat that possibility, or -- if I've been able to sleep the system and wake it up soon thereafter -- it hasn't been sufficiently tested. There had been a problem with sleep-states and OC-settings that included "PLL-overvoltage enabled." But mine is disabled.