Samsung Focus/New Windows 7 user


Golden Member
Dec 23, 2005
So i sold my iphone 4 in anticipation of the next iteration and since i will be having surgery i needed the extra boost
what do you guys think of the focus?
I can buy it for 9.5/10 condition rating for $140, seem like a good deal?
What are some things to do with it?


Jan 12, 2011
I have an HD7, so I can answer a few things. I personally love Metro UI and WP7, but if you are a huge app lover, you will likely not like the platform atm. Everything thus far for me has been buttery smooth, way way, more so than android. The screen on the focus is the same on the Galaxy S phones, so if you like the AMOLED screens the focus should be nice. Some features are notably missing, and while the app store is growing, it still is WAY behind Android and iOS. If you can get by without some of the missing features (some of which will be coming out with ManGo), to steal an saying from Apple, WP7 just works in most core phone functions.


Golden Member
Dec 23, 2005
Oh, Im nOt much of an app lover but I did have tHings for my iPhone which was nice---probably maps,texting, Internet, skype and some games?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
Oh, Im nOt much of an app lover but I did have tHings for my iPhone which was nice---probably maps,texting, Internet, skype and some games?

Skype isn't here yet - but the app does exist, just hasn't been released. Also, I'd expect more integration between Skype & WP7 since MS purchased Skype last week.

As for games, it's there - integrated with XBL, so there are achievements and other mini games that can tie in with full-fledged 360 titles.

I do find that I prefer the core operation of WP7 over any other phone OS, but I still find the lack of VVM frustrating (same can be said for Android devices.) Expect turn-by-turn with the Mango update, along with a lot more features. The platform is really coming along well, especially if they can get Mango (7.5) released by the 1yr date.

(And to note, the OS is Windows Phone 7, not Windows 7. You will confuse a lot of people by calling it Windows 7 since that's the name of the desktop OS.)


Senior member
Mar 8, 2006
I own an HD7 (after 8 months with an Evo 4G), and I'm very impressed with WP7. I love the UI, and the whole thing just seems like the ultimate smartphone OS (unlike Android, which is more like an "everything but the kitchen sink" mobile OS).

IMO, WP7's biggest selling points are gaming and music. It's the only phone compatible with Zune Pass. It has Xbox Live integration and even has some games that interact with their Xbox 360 counterparts (Crackdown 2 and Fable 3 are the only ones ATM, but I'm sure there will be more in the future).

WP7 also has two major downsides:

1. no turn-by-turn navigation. You can still view maps and get directions, though. This is coming with the Mango update later this year.

2. the web browser isn't so great as far as rendering speed. Thankfully, zooming and scrolling are still buttery smooth, much smoother than any Android device I've seen. IE9 is coming with the Mango update, which, from what MS has shown, looks to be the fastest and most capable smartphone web browser yet.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2010
I've had an HD7 for a couple of months now, and overall I like it. All the apps that come with the phone are buttery smooth. Most other apps work great as well, but you will find the occasional one which will stutter. The interface is super simple and easy to navigate. The web browser is awesome, loading times are good, and it's super responsive. As far as the market place; all the basics are there, but the market place just hasn't had time to mature. WP7 has only been around for 7 months though. IOS and android have been around much longer. Gaming is pretty decent, and I really like the xbox live integration. My biggest gripe so far is the lack of custom ringtones. Hopefully that will be fixed some day. For $140 I think it's a steal.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
All the news about the Mango update features that came out this weekend sound like WP7 will be nearly on par with the other big two, by this fall. And that only took a year.
I LOVE my WP7, you should definitely try it for that price. Just understand that its a pretty green OS at the moment. We'll see this fall how close Mango is to being released, when the iPhone5 comes out. If Mango is close, I won't even bother going back to Apple, WP7 is just so good.


Jun 16, 2000
It seems every day, they announce something new that's coming in Mango. If even 2/3 of those things pan out, its going to take an already solid OS and make it awesome.

Anyway, I'm a fan of WP7, I like my Venue Pro (which, by the way, is also available on AT&T if you're so inclined). There's a decent amount of apps and the count is expanding rapidly.


Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
I really would love to try a WP7, but my carrier is Verizon and they're being jerks about that platform. Also, I can't really justify purchasing a phone with low features in comparison to let's say an Android phone. NFC, front facing cameras, HDMI out (unless I'm mistaken, WP7 don't have this), and of course the market is lacking currently (I know that will change, but it's going to take a bit of time).

I think I might try to get the Trophy off contract whenever it's released and then take a much MUCH greater look at it when Mango comes out. I love the OS, but I can't really commit myself to the platform yet. The customization of iOS and Android are what's holding me back from WP7. However, I really like the fact that you guys say the OS just works, and I can hardly say the same thing for my Droid X.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
I really would love to try a WP7, but my carrier is Verizon and they're being jerks about that platform. Also, I can't really justify purchasing a phone with low features in comparison to let's say an Android phone. NFC, front facing cameras, HDMI out (unless I'm mistaken, WP7 don't have this), and of course the market is lacking currently (I know that will change, but it's going to take a bit of time).

I think I might try to get the Trophy off contract whenever it's released and then take a much MUCH greater look at it when Mango comes out. I love the OS, but I can't really commit myself to the platform yet. The customization of iOS and Android are what's holding me back from WP7. However, I really like the fact that you guys say the OS just works, and I can hardly say the same thing for my Droid X.
I'm with Verizon as well, and I'm going to get the trophy when it comes out, possibily even this week.

I don't really want a "PC" for my phone. I love the features and functionality of my desktop, but I don't want to have to worry about system resource usage from X app that's running in the background. I'm ok with going more of the Apple style, less features but done great, for my phone. Of course, I still can't stand the complete Apple mindset, but that's why I think WP7 fits nicely in the middle between Android and iOS.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2005
didn't know iOS was customizeable... Android yes... But I think I really do like the look and feel of WP7, but I don't like the one currently out for sprint... want one without keyboard!


Golden Member
Dec 23, 2005
so i mean $140 without contract on craigslist was such as steal--definitely a good backup in any case--small dings but everything is AMAZING! idk what to do now lol but i love it, noticed it doesnt have the nodo update--is there a hack i should apply first before I update it to the latest? its still on the stock os


Jun 16, 2000
No, if you plug it in to Zune it should update you, no hacking necessary.


Golden Member
Dec 23, 2005
no i meant if i wanted to sideload apps do i chevron/unlock and then update or just update and then unlock?


Jun 16, 2000
Ah ha. I could be wrong, but I think Chevron only works you have to pick one or the other. I don't think there is a huge market of sideloaded apps right now, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Platinum Member
Oct 24, 2006
I'm with Verizon as well, and I'm going to get the trophy when it comes out, possibily even this week.

I don't really want a "PC" for my phone. I love the features and functionality of my desktop, but I don't want to have to worry about system resource usage from X app that's running in the background. I'm ok with going more of the Apple style, less features but done great, for my phone. Of course, I still can't stand the complete Apple mindset, but that's why I think WP7 fits nicely in the middle between Android and iOS.

Honestly, I love the Apple mindset in the fact that the phone just plain and simple works amazingly. You never are really concerned about battery life, you're never checking how much memory is used or what app is causing your phone to die. That's also why I think WP7 will be an awesome contender. You're right about it being a nice middle ground between iOS and Android.

I just feel like MS needs to update the hardware more often and continuously add in features such as RIM with their PlayBook. It has been receiving updates weekly to add new features to it, and I feel MS should try and work on updates and when they are ready to release, just go ahead and say..... Oh, you want Twitter integration and Facebook chat? Here you go! (I just said two random things). And I just hope that the newest devices come out have more specs with their hardware. I don't care if it doesn't have a 3D screen or 1 GB of RAM or a dual core CPU. I just want it to have new useful features such as NFC or front facing camera.

didn't know iOS was customizeable... Android yes... But I think I really do like the look and feel of WP7, but I don't like the one currently out for sprint... want one without keyboard!

iOS is customizable to an extent with jailbreaking which I wholeheartedly endorse.

I also agree about the Sprint WP7 offering. I hate keyboards after having an all touchscreen device for over 2 years.

I'm just really looking forward to Nokia's hardware offerings and well, whatever else other companies are making. It just sucks that they're mostly focused on Android because of it's booming expansion and easiness to make a poopy device and toss it to retailers and have it sell good. >_<


Golden Member
Dec 23, 2005
unlocked and then did the nodo and overall im very happy
im just a specs guy haha but mango comes out in the fall?
any rumors on 8?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
unlocked and then did the nodo and overall im very happy
im just a specs guy haha but mango comes out in the fall?
any rumors on 8?

Yes, Mango comes out in the fall and I don't know how you can even ask about 8. There's no rumors or anything about it for WP.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Many sites are saying Mango will be so encompassing that it'll practically BE 8, instead of 7.1 or 7.5 or whatever.
As that comedian on SNL that does Donald Trump, "It's gonna be UGE!"


Jun 16, 2000
Yea, it seems a few times a week new stuff about Mango leaks, it really is huge. IE9, turn by turn nav, better Office/SkyDrive integrarion, built in Twitter support, MSN Messenger and Facebook Chat support, multitasking, tons of much-needed additions to the SDK that will be a big lift to the development community...whatever they call it, this update looks awesome.


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2008
Microsoft sent our company a T-Mobile HTC HD7. Out the box it had a Restoration Error in Zune. I can only get it to boot by a weird sequence using the Windows Phone Support Tool, pulling the battery and USB cable, putting the battery in, powering on then inserting the USB cable.


Apr 5, 2005
You never are really concerned about battery life, you're never checking how much memory is used or what app is causing your phone to die.
my experience w/ the iphone / ipod touch is different. ever since that multitasking update w/ ios4, my battery life is significantly worse. seems to be certain apps that are the culprits that are loaded automatically that cause the phone's battery to drain.