Samsung 191T


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2003
Is it ok to run this LCD at 70Hz? I was having problems with ghosting while playing Counter-Strike. While I know there is no way to fully avoid the ghosting, I would like to make it as minimal as possible. Also if anyone has other suggestions, they are welcome. Thanks.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2002
it shouldnt be a problem, but actually raising the resolution will not help at all, in fact it may make things worse. The response time will still be at 25ms.
With a fast video card, and vsync off, or on for that matter, there will almost always be more frames per second the 25ms response time can handle, 60Hz is still better IMO. I use my 191T for FPS games at the native resolution and the trailing is not as bad as I thought. lowering the resolution to 1024x768 helped eliminate a lot of ghosting for some games. I usually keep Vsync on too.