saladmaster cookware worth the outrageous price?

holden j caufield

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 1999
is this stuff any good?

Be aware that this is an 11 yr-old thread.
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Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
I'd have to agree... it's insane to pay thousands for cookware. The only possible reason would be to show off wealth, or to "keep up with the Joneses"


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
I don't know the brand, but the thickness and materials do matter for cooking. Having consistent heat across the bottom is important when you are sauteing or frying. It is also important that a pot will hold the heat (transfer from the bottom) in the sides for boiling. Cheap, thin stainless cookware causes people to have a hard time cooking, hot spots and heat transfer are real issues.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Saladmaster sells its cookware at such high prices on the gimmick of claiming healthy cooking by using less oil and water and lower temperatures. This comes from the myth that water and boiling temperatures lead to a loss of nutrients in food, as though humans were capable of 100% efficient digestion of uncooked foods (we're not cows).

holden j caufield

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 1999
Originally posted by: Vic
Saladmaster sells its cookware at such high prices on the gimmick of claiming healthy cooking by using less oil and water and lower temperatures. This comes from the myth that water and boiling temperatures lead to a loss of nutrients in food, as though humans were capable of 100% efficient digestion of uncooked foods (we're not cows).

kind of what I thought. I need to research it more


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2003
They used to have an infomercial where the host would smash a competitors pot into oblivion using a Saladmatser one, the narrator stating "Saladmaster wins every single time." As much as I appreciate things that are resilient, how would the smash test serve as an indicator of superiority? Never made sense to me...


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
RGN's correct about thickness and materials being an issue for even transfer of heat. Regardless, though, you can get an excellent set of cookware for just a few hundred or less.


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2017
Saladmaster sells its cookware at such high prices on the gimmick of claiming healthy cooking by using less oil and water and lower temperatures. This comes from the myth that water and boiling temperatures lead to a loss of nutrients in food, as though humans were capable of 100% efficient digestion of uncooked foods (we're not cows).

Not a myth- science of what damages nutrients. Cooking is chemistry.
Digestion depends also on how well we chew as you are right, cows have multiple stomachs.


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2017
hmm some relatives of mine bought a set. I don't think I'm going to break it to them.

It's ABSOLUTLEY fantastic equipment. All fantastic tools tend to be pricy unless they are made in China or off shore. But yes pricy is right. Like snap-on and Miele and Bosch and Kramer knives...Polaris snowmobiles...or simply put...winery tanks, dairy tanks...inside a 'really good' cappuccino machine...water equipment....engines....let alone tooth implants or something else important other then what our food toucheds every day with heat and water...for decades.

Nah...I bought my set on payments 23 years ago and have been defending my love ever since....
honestly I just roll my eyes if people blurt out comments when they don't really know....or want to find out 'why' yet get on theses sites and slam it...just cause they have no clue what to compare technology to.
I research before I buy things and try before I buy. I have no problem spending for things that are made this well, are made to be safe, and exceed my expectations. Plus they make people ask where I learned to cook like that. I laugh!

Vacuum cooking and the 316Titanium Cooking surface and the construction makes it superb for flavour, speed, colour, texture and clean-up. If you enjoy food...well let's say the flavour of fresh squeezed over canned orange juice...then you'll notice a difference. Or Riedel Wine glasses!!
I don't even have an oven cause I can make a lasagna in 20 minutes on top of my $20 hot plate from raw uncooked ingredients!
And no more tumms (unless I dine out).

Love my overpriced pots!! Love love love them! I wish they made cars this good!!
(As I sit at the dealership waiting for my $570 service!!)


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2017
hmm some relatives of mine bought a set. I don't think I'm going to break it to them.

Smart. It's definitely an investment.
You might ask them why they bought as opposed to what someone said on the interne about their purchase.
Psst: they know it's expensive! Most things this well made are.


Jul 25, 2001
"I don't even have an oven cause I can make a lasagna in 20 minutes on top of my $20 hot plate from raw uncooked ingredients!"

Most ridiculous statement ever. Thanks for the laugh.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
i hate the all-clad handles. i enjoy the nice cast stainless handles on Demeyere cookware. We have 2 sauce pans and love them. everything else gets cooked in a lodge cast iron.


Apr 19, 2001
All Clad and Calphalon are the top brands of cook ware.

Even All Clad and Calphalon are insanely overpriced. They're what people buy when they think they need a good set and have no idea what the hell they're doing in the kitchen. They mostly wind up hanging over the stove as a fashion statement. The majority of people who have All Clad or Calphalon sets would be better off ditching them and picking up just a few good pieces. It's amazing how much you can do with a teflon pan, a cast iron skillet, a large stockpot, a Corningware casserole dish and a good enameled dutch oven. Those 5 pieces cover 95% of my needs and I cook more than most people do. Toss in a couple of cheap cookie sheets and it rises to 98%.


Junior Member
Jan 16, 2018
No doubt it's good quality cookware, my mother still uses a few pieces from a set bought back in 1960, and my spouse bought a full set several years ago. It's well-constructed and warranted for life, but as an accomplished cook myself, I just haven't realized our ROI. I am sorely disappointed in its ability to stand up to fast, high-heat searing, braising and frying, man, you are in for a long, hard clean-up when you're done! Most low-temp,"waterless" and oil-free dishes come out incredibly bland and soggy, and don't have the flavor and punch I'm trying to achieve. Yeah, it might be healthier, but it tastes like cardboard, yeck! GagHalfrunt nailed it, "It's amazing how much you can do with a teflon pan, a cast iron skillet, a large stockpot, a Corningware casserole dish and a good enameled dutch oven". My personal favorites are a cheap T-Fal Teflon covered deep skillet from Walmart, a seasoned Lodge cast iron skillet, and an assortment of Calphalon anodized pots and pans and Corningware casseroles we bought decades ago, for a fraction of the price of Saladmaster. We plan to sell all of our Saladmaster piecemeal for the best offers. One of our best friends is a Saladmaster salesperson, she doesn't sell too much that often, but the commissions (even to her down-line) when she does make a sale are indeed heavenly. It's not likely a scam, but it's approaching the fringes of it, IMHO. Their pitch is too long, weak and unsubstantiated - titanium this, stainless steel that, and you're slowly killing yourself if you're using anything else other than Saladmaster. Bwah! Thumbs down from me.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2004
How do we have two random spam artists both come in & argue the pros and cons of saladmaster. Astounding.