sad times :(((


Diamond Member
Jul 20, 2001
These past weeks have been very sad times for my family, and for others :(

Last week my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer (she hasn't smoked in over 60 years). My mother and her entire family are in SC with her. My brother is coming down with me in a day or two. She's in Intensive Care and still on a respirator and they really don't know how much longer she's got.

To make matters even worse. This morning I recieved the terrible news that my good friend--my roomate from Wake--his father very suddenly passed away. My roomate is an extremely emotional guy, and he's not taking this well at all :(

Which makes me think about my dad, who has a heart condition himself and his past visits to the doctor have not been promising either.

WTH is going on? :( I'm always the most level headed person in my entire family and am always able to put crap into perspective and try not to let things affect my personality. But i've seriously never felt so lost right now. :( From a guy who is always in a good mood, this is just so much stuff that even I can't handle.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers to me and my roomate/his family. I'm gonna go play some gamecube (which I never do anymore) to try and take my mind off things.



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2001
Must be in the water this year. One wedding called off (3 months away), two divorces in the works, one just completed (In NC, you have to wait a year after filing.) Also, five relationships (more than 2 years for each) broken up. Two beloved pet deaths, unexpected. Four human deaths, and one alive and dying in hospice right now.

Last year it was everyone getting married. I wonder what next year's theme will be?


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2002
Originally posted by: MaxDepth
Must be in the water this year. One wedding called off (3 months away), two divorces in the works, one just completed (In NC, you have to wait a year after filing.) Also, five relationships (more than 2 years for each) broken up. Two beloved pet deaths, unexpected. Four human deaths, and one alive and dying in hospice right now.

Last year it was everyone getting married. I wonder what next year's theme will be?

well at least this year is getting to the end, now, only a few months left.

Hopefully next year will be something fun, like a whole bunch of "wow, I discovered I can fly like superman" threads or something. That'd be a pretty cool theme for the next ATOT year.

OP, maybe it's not such a good idea to force yourself to be the levelheaded perspective guy. Find some time to yourself and brood some, if it helps. Maybe go on a hike by yourself if there is good country around (not too far as that could be dangerous) just to think things through and let it all sink in.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Just goes to show that life's a bitch!

Why does this not surprise me. Some one is asking for sympanthy and some ne here gives him ******. :thumbsdown:


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Originally posted by: sash1
These past weeks have been very sad times for my family, and for others :(

Last week my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer (she hasn't smoked in over 60 years). My mother and her entire family are in SC with her. My brother is coming down with me in a day or two. She's in Intensive Care and still on a respirator and they really don't know how much longer she's got.

To make matters even worse. This morning I recieved the terrible news that my good friend--my roomate from Wake--his father very suddenly passed away. My roomate is an extremely emotional guy, and he's not taking this well at all :(

Which makes me think about my dad, who has a heart condition himself and his past visits to the doctor have not been promising either.

WTH is going on? :( I'm always the most level headed person in my entire family and am always able to put crap into perspective and try not to let things affect my personality. But i've seriously never felt so lost right now. :( From a guy who is always in a good mood, this is just so much stuff that even I can't handle.

Anyway, I'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers to me and my roomate/his family. I'm gonna go play some gamecube (which I never do anymore) to try and take my mind off things.


Sorry to hear about the hard times, thoughts out to you and your family

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: tyler811
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Just goes to show that life's a bitch!

Why does this not surprise me. Some one is asking for sympanthy and some ne here gives him ******. :thumbsdown:
Get a grip boy, I'm not giving him any grief. Life has a lot of unexpected downturns therefore it's a bitch. Trust me I was sympathizing with him.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2001
Sorry to hear about the sadness going around in your life. I hope you do well with this stuff.

Best Wishes,



Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Blazin Trav
Become more religious.

What a dick.

As for Red Dawn, I expected more from you.

, sounds like enough to get to anyone. Do your best to get through it, and remember that tomorrow is another day. All you can do is not give up, and nobody can fault you for that.

Sorry if I sounded like a sh!tty after school special there.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2004
Originally posted by: sash1

WTH is going on? :( I'm always the most level headed person in my entire family and am always able to put crap into perspective and try not to let things affect my personality. But i've seriously never felt so lost right now. :( From a guy who is always in a good mood, this is just so much stuff that even I can't handle.

It's not always healthy to maintain the happy face. There's nothing wrong with just letting your true emotions pour every once in a while. Doesn't make you any less of a man in doing so. The stuff you've gone through warrants being sad, depressed, lost, angry and other various moods. All expected and all normal. Sometimes, you just need to let it all out and you usually feel better once you do.

It took me a LONG time to get over my grandmother dying a few years ago but I found that I did better with it when I just allowed myself to truly be upset instead of always trying to remain strong.

Sucks you're going through all of that. Hang in there and lean on family/friends for support. That will help you get through it more than anything else.



Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2002
As much as it sucks, I agree with Red Dawn.

But - thoughts to your family for sure. Hope everything turns out the best it can in your situation.


Nov 9, 2004
Sorry to hear OP
Sometimes when it rains it pours. I know how you feel; this year has really been a bad one for my family also. In the last 9mos we lost my mother-in-law to a heart attack, my father-in-law to a car wreck, and my mom to cancer, and just last week I had to put down our family dog of 10yrs:(

Keep your chin up, things will get better


Jan 16, 2001
Don't take this the wrong way.

Welcome to adulthood. You get older and so does everyone around you. Relatives, friends, pets; nothing with a heartbeat is immune. Life is rough. People die. The faster you accept this, the healthier adult you will be.