Originally posted by: lopri
What is your budget and upgrade plan? For high-end, I'd recommend Bad Axe 2. There still is nothing more stable and solid than 975X, IMHO. On a P965 variant DFI P965-S has a superb performance and all solid capacitors (if that matters, lol). I had a wonderful experience with the board but some folks didn't, so it's a good idea to do some research on this board. If you need multiple PCI-E slots (other than just x1 slots), EVGA 680i board is, unlike 6 months ago, quite solid. Not just for SLI, mind you - I put my video card in the bottom PEG to help thermals inside the case. Also for on-going support EVGA can't be beat. Their customer service and RMA policy is by far the best in this industry. If you're taking upgrade path into the consideration, P35 should certainly be on the top of the list but I'm afraid that we don't have many choices nor comprehensive reviews yet so I can't really comment on it.
One thing I should mention with the above is that I do have a certain degree of bias against ASUS. I have used many of their boards in the past and while they're usually the first to implement new/flash features and better overclocking, I didn't have much luck when it comes to their longevity. They tend to die/deteriorate rather quickly. (~1 year) Oh and the vDroop / vCore fluctuation is just terrible with ASUS boards. :frown: Again this is my opinion based on my experience so take it as a grain of salt.