Ryu, but in real life


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
Is your avatar from that old school Santa Cruz board? I think it was Rob Roskopp's graphic, right?


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Roll from down to back + roundhouse? You really expected someone to fly halfway across the room? Ok, eddy gordo? Is that better?


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001

So what happens when that doesn't connect? Knee drop to the face?
Ryu was Shotokan not Kyokushin. Kyokushin > Shotokan, because it is a full contact system. They do much more body conditioning( beating the crap out of each other with no pads, for the purpose of sensory adaptation and hardening of body and will)

As to what happens when he misses? Nothing, because they do not allow attacking the downed opponent in their rule set. In real life? I do not think he would throw that kick. But if he did, then there is no one answer. If he completely whiffs, his back roll out of it would have been even faster thanks to the extra momentum. And you would be out of position to "drop a knee on him". (You must be watching pro rasslin' of you think that knee drop shat is going to work anyways. More likely to injure yourself than the other guy) He can up kick and look to stand up. or if you are still in tight, go for sweeps while attacking your legs.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Ryu was Shotokan not Kyokushin. Kyokushin > Shotokan, because it is a full contact system. They do much more body conditioning( beating the crap out of each other with no pads, for the purpose of sensory adaptation and hardening of body and will)

As to what happens when he misses? Nothing, because they do not allow attacking the downed opponent in their rule set. In real life? I do not think he would throw that kick. But if he did, then there is no one answer. If he completely whiffs, his back roll out of it would have been even faster thanks to the extra momentum. And you would be out of position to "drop a knee on him". (You must be watching pro rasslin' of you think that knee drop shat is going to work anyways. More likely to injure yourself than the other guy) He can up kick and look to stand up. or if you are still in tight, go for sweeps while attacking your legs.

Ok. Neither the caption or the comment were in any way serious. It seemed like a ballsy move to pull something that could wind up with you laying flat on your back with the person you are fighting standing over you, but if ninja fighting rules say no no then I guess it wasn't as big of a risk as it seemed to be.