Originally posted by: Rastus
Maybe a conventional arms race will start. The result being all developed nations will get smart weapons. The face of war has changed, and with it, the world.
Originally posted by: OFFascist
From The Moscow Times
Pretty much an article about how Russians thought this war would go and how it really went.
Also talks about how they will begin to wonder why we were so effective in taking over Iraq while they had so much trouble in Chechnya.
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I'm glad to know that if we ever have to go to war with Russia, barring nuclear weapons, it will only take us 3 weeks to defeat them and occupy their country. It was theiry war strategy, after all, that the Iraqis used.:evil:
Originally posted by: Leon
Are you people insane? Nukes or no nukes, nobody wants to fight Russians or Chinese for that matter. It would be disastrous, economically and in terms of human cost.
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I'm glad to know that if we ever have to go to war with Russia, barring nuclear weapons, it will only take us 3 weeks to defeat them and occupy their country. It was theiry war strategy, after all, that the Iraqis used.:evil:
Three big problems with that "3 weeks". The Ruskies have:
-More space to trade for time
-Russian Winters (defeated more than one adversary)
-Nukes (realistically, they'd use them if we got close to threatening Moscow)
Originally posted by: thedarkwolf
Originally posted by: Mookow
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I'm glad to know that if we ever have to go to war with Russia, barring nuclear weapons, it will only take us 3 weeks to defeat them and occupy their country. It was theiry war strategy, after all, that the Iraqis used.:evil:
Three big problems with that "3 weeks". The Ruskies have:
-More space to trade for time
-Russian Winters (defeated more than one adversary)
-Nukes (realistically, they'd use them if we got close to threatening Moscow)
-Most Russians would actually fight back
-Russia has an Air Force and Navy
Originally posted by: thedarkwolf
-Most Russians would actually fight back
-Russia has an Air Force and Navy
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I'm glad to know that if we ever have to go to war with Russia, barring nuclear weapons, it will only take us 3 weeks to defeat them and occupy their country. It was theiry war strategy, after all, that the Iraqis used.:evil:
Originally posted by: dahunan
The only reason we beat the Iraqi Military so quickly is because they have ZERO air defenses.
Originally posted by: Astaroth33
You have to realize that there are now a lot of military commanders and strategists out there who are now under pressure to figure out how the hell to defend their countries against a military force that could overthrow Baghdad in just under 3 weeks, and you can imagine more that a few of them (Syria, et al) pooping their pants. Expect more and more countries in the future to start pursuing nuclear weapons programs in the search for the great equalizer..
If they would lay off the Vodka, maybe they could develop weapons with greater accuracy.Many Russian generals truly believe that a bombing campaign that leaves some buildings still standing is ineffective. Precision-guided munitions are widely considered to be costly pranks -- not real weapons. In Chechnya, we tried to use some of these gadgets, but they did not work, as most Russian officers and men have not been trained in how to use the limited number of modern weapons our military inherited from the Soviet armed forces.