Originally posted by: RavnShield
Since saddam didn't directly instigate this conflict, how can we declare war and attack?
It sounds like you haven't been paying attention, or you're a new arrival here, on planet Earth.
Under U.N. Resolution 1441, Iraq was found to be in material breach of previous U.N. resolutions regarding disarmament. It warns that continuing these breaches of previous resolutions, or to violate the terms of the current one, will result in "serious consequenses." It does not require further action by the U.N., or the Security Council, for a member to take such action.
That said, before we start shooting, I think the Bush administration has to lay out convincing evidence why such action is required, now. It has nothing to do with whether we're right or wrong under the terms of the various U.N. resolutions. It has everything to do with having American citizens and the majority of the world with us if we do it. Otherwise, justified or not, we face continued strong anti-American sentiment and lack of any cooperation, politically as well as financially, in the aftermath.
As a final comment, I don't think Bush did himself any favors by authorizing any first use of nuclear weapons.