I received my 2080 Ti FE last week. It has bad coil whine. I tried with three different power supplies: EVGA P2 650, Corsair HX750i and Sea Sonic Prime Titanium 1000W. The noise persisted for all three. So I requested a replacement card from Nvidia. Today it arrived, and again, with all three power supplies the card whines. Two cards with whine seems really unusual, don't they test these things? But it's even worse I've had six different GPUs over the last year, four of which have had awful coil whine. The power supply didn't matter, those four GPUs always whined. Only the EVGA GTX 1080s have no or tolerable whine.
Summary: Besides different power supplies, what else can I test? Do I have to keep shipping these across the country until I get a magic card that doesn't whine like a banshee?
Summary: Besides different power supplies, what else can I test? Do I have to keep shipping these across the country until I get a magic card that doesn't whine like a banshee?