Routing Ports problem


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
let me guess.. no one here knows a solution because this isnt suppose to happen at all????


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
Stealth is the best level of protection, it means that the ports are closed and do not even announce that they are closed.

I.e. when some one tries to hack in it does not see closed ports, but rather see No ports at all.

When ports are open there is No stealth.

List the specific ports that you want to open and how you functionally tried opened them through the Router and the computer native Firewalls, otherwise this thread will go no where like the one from few days ago.

As I told before UpnP works only if the application was designed for it.

If putting the names of the games into the Router does not open the ports it means that the Router does not have the info about which ports the games need open.

I.e. you have to go to the support forums of the games and find out the spefific numbers of the ports that need to be opened and configure these ports manually.


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
omg... no ports at all.. I need 6112 9103 30350 30351 to my computer forwarded to play some strategy games... thx strategy designers for the peer to peer funcionality... anyway... those ports are needed and after i set them up in the router... and also direct them to my computer... I am like... what the %^&* they still closed in the tests... or stealth... and the game doesnt work.... even the ISP try to config them... but nothing is working... and network discovery is on.. and also filesharing in the network settings.. dunno what is... the trouble... all firewalls down... (dont hack me ok)!!! and no ports are reported forwarded to my comptuer....RRRRRRRRRR


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
The picture of the Gibson's Port checking reports only to port 1055.


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
yeah that test doesnt go up more than that... but yougetsignal one show the ones i told closed... my ISP check the router and tell me that everything was fine in the router... dunno what can be mess in the computer...


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
didnt work... :( i even take away zonealarm.. plus disable the windows firewall and nothing...


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
OK.. mind if I ask why the baupnp.exe doesnt detect the router as upnp... when the router in the settings is set up to enable UPNP????


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
Jack's description of Stealth is right on. It's an indication of some sort of firewall (non-Windows). A Windows firewall will report that ports exist, and are either open or closed. Many home routers will attempt to "stealth" all ports that aren't open. They won't respond at all.

I don't remember where we were on this problem.

Did you already try Telneting from another PC INSIDE YOUR NETWORK)?
"Telnet gamecomputer 6112"

You have to have the game running on your gamecomputer to do this test properly.

If another PC inside your own network doesn't get a response (request times out) or refused the connection, then the problem is NOT your router and is either the game itself or a firewall on your PC. If another PC succeeds and gets a response (Telnet command screen goes blank for a while), then the problem is the router or the ISP.


Elite Member
Dec 24, 2005
Checking out your other thread on this problem, I'm still concerned about your use of the USB port to connect to your PC. I worry about the drivers used to translate the USB data to TCP/IP requests on your PC and whether they are causing problems with the port forwarding.

I suggest you try connecting your PC to the Ethernet port on your router and disconnect the USB port. If you are connecting two PCs to your router, then use a switch to connect them both to the Ethernet port on your router.


Golden Member
Mar 3, 2008
let me tell you the full story...

Chapter 1 ... ports are blocked....

chapter 2... tested everything... port forwarding in router... two routers.... shutting down the router firewall.. also windows one.... and nothing... called ISP and they say.. no blocks here...

chapter 3... tested in 3 computers.... vista... xp... and then the first one with vista but this time with linux in other harddisk... nothing...

chapter 4... computer... smashing...

chapter 5... more smashing....

chapter 6-100 infinite smashing....

chapter 101... downloaded some program called smart port forwarding.. apparently is free.. lol.. add the ports there and WORK!!! lol... okok... i dunno if is for real.. but i need to add the port forward in the router.... firewall... and in the program for it to work... missing the port in any of them.. dont work... I try setting the port in the program and not in the router and is block.. which is good.. no crap there....

chapter 102... going to test...

chapter 103... more smash if it doesnt work well in SupCom and CoH...