Let me warn you, I did this setup once and the BEFSR41 was out of sinc with the Cisco 2620 router we have. I tried changing all the speeds in the router and changing the duplexing and everything and nothing worked - Cisco couldn't even help me. The upload/outbound sync was not in-sync. This router was connected to a T1. We got the 1.5mbps downstream, but out upload was very unstable (ranged from about 50-400k/sec - usually hovered around 200k - that's only about 1/7 of the speed it should have been.). Many packets were being lost, etc...
Well, when all was said and done, nothing worked. It was frustrating, so I got rid of the Linksys router. Instead, I just used another computer I had laying around and put another nic in there. I am using that computer as the router. So, the setup I have is:
T1 - > Cisco 2620 (2600 series router)
Cisco 2620 router -> NIC 1 in computer via a cross-over cable
NIC 2 in computer to uplink port on a 16-port linksys switch via a regular cable.
I am going to be adding another 16-port switch this weekend.
Let me know if you run into any problems or have any questions. Just giving you a heads-up to a possible problem.