riva tuner question on fan profiles


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Ok so....

Ive been trying to figure out how you make specific games (ie .exe's) use different fan profiles. Anyone experienced know how to do this? I cant figure it out.

Using rivatuner 2.20. Ive read a bunch of guides, but none show how to make it so when you launch a game or specific .exe to use a different fan setting than when sitting on desktop.....

I just want to be able to have the fan speed go to 70% in games then 30% on desktop....


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2007
You can only set fan profiles according to specific temperatures. You can set your fan to speed up at 70%, when your card will hit, for example 60 C, or whatever threshold you want. When it gets bellow 60 C, set the fan to spin at 30%. I don't see the point of the whole "exe" idea.


Dec 12, 2001
From the main mennu go to low-level system settings. Go to the Fan tab, select enable low-level fan control, Fixed speed, Set it on 30% and click apply. Under Fan profile settings click the disk icon to save it and name it 30% fan speed. Do the same thing again to create a profile for 70% (set it, apply it, save it). Close that window and go to the main rivatuner window and click launcher. Press the plus sign at the bottom to add new item. Make sure regular item is selected. Type a name for your 70% fan speed. Name it 70% Fan or something similar. Click the checkbox for associated fan profile and select your 70% fan speed profile and press the ok button. Now it saved a launcher. You should now see that launcher item in the main rivatuner window. Right click on that launcher and click the 3rd button from the left that is called "create shortcut to menu item". That will create a shortcut on your desktop that will launch that fan profile whenever you click on it. Do the same exact thing to create a launcher for your 30% fan speed profile and create a shortcut for it. You can rename it so it's easy to tell apart.

Now when you want to game, double click the 70% fan profile shortcut and your fan will spin up to 70% for you until you tell it to go down by clicking the 30% fan profile.

If you want to make a profile specific to a game and launch that game, say crysis at 70%, fallout at 50%, half life at 40% etc. You need to create multiple fan profiles. The same way we did it before. Low-level system settings > fan > set fan speed and apply > save. Then create a launcher for each of the fan profiles you created except this time click the checkbox for "Associated Application" as well as the "Associated Fan Profile" box. Click the browse button and point it to the game's .exe file you want it to launch. Then save it and create a shortcut on your desktop. Edit the name to your liking, for instance "Launch Crysis" and then when you double click it the fan will spin up to what you specify and the game will launch for you. You can also do this with clock frequencies if you wanted to.

note: if you click on restore settings after terminating application it will go back to your default settings before the profile launched.

I have linked to a picture to show you the window where you specify all of this.



Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Thanks man! Ill try it out when I get home.

The first part you listed I already did. I have them on desktop already. But the problem is I am lazy and dont want to have to remember to click another icon before launching my game everytime. I am a game server admin and toggle back and forth, launching/entering/exiting games quickly and frequently. I need something thats fast.

And the purpose of doing it via application instead of the temp is because I can specify the gamma settings and other stuff if its loaded via that launcher. I use different brightness for different games. Unfortunately valve has horrible gamma control and my monitor is an old crt and by default is very dark.

If I did via the temp way, I dont think id have options to adjust brightness levels based on specific games easily.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
Here is a guide that will tell you what to do. EVERYTHING you need to know :p



Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: JPB
Here is a guide that will tell you what to do. EVERYTHING you need to know :p


the problem is generally it's hard to come up with a surefire % for each differing temp reading. It depends on the video card & it's cooling system


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Anyway to make a profile of default fan speed desired for when a game exits to desktop? Ie so gaming its in my case 70% and desktop is 35%?

I have a general rivatuner question ive been wondering about too. Exactly what is the difference between the driver level and low-level? Is there a reason to use one or the other?


Dec 12, 2001
Driver level just uses the driver to talk to the video card. Like using the driver as the mediary between the hardware. Low-level is direct card access, bypassing the driver and talking directly to the card.

To make your fan spin down after gaming you need to have them launch based on monitoring events. The best way to do this is by temperature. You can create multiple fan speeds all based on temperature. Follow the guide JPB linked to above. It's how I do it.

What card do you have?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
8800GT with 180.48 dets

Anyways, I think the default autocontrol for fan actually does pretty much what I want. Where do you tweak those threshold settings though?

I realized what you had suggested actually wasnt what I was trying to do. I dont think this program does exactly what I had in mind so....ill just have to make do. I may just end up using the shortcuts on desktop.

With the fan speed done as you suggested and the reviews suggested(via temperature) I dont think that would work since Id be using gamma settings as well. I mean, if I have 2 profiles for example, one is desktop with slow fan speed and one is gaming with higher gamma and fast fan speed, wont profiles keep getting toggled on and off bouncing back and forth between different fan profiles as the fan cools the card, then heats up again, etc?

IE. It will get hot and load the higher gamma and the fan will cool the card down so it drops into the threshold of the lower fan profile with low gamma and itll keep toggling my gamma brighter and darker while im gaming. In addition, id probably be listening to the fan noise from raising, lowering, raising, lowering etc....

What I had wanted to do was, link the fan profiles with the .exe and I had thought it would like monitor the exe being loaded automatically so I could just launch the game and it would load the profile. After poking around, im pretty sure it doesnt do that.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Fallengod
I have a general rivatuner question ive been wondering about too. Exactly what is the difference between the driver level and low-level? Is there a reason to use one or the other?
Where do you select between driver-level and low-level? Would that be a solution to my lack of fan speed control problem on my Asus cards? Can I toggle a setting somewhere and get fan speed control back? I'm using RT 2.2.0, and ForceWare 180.70 XP 32-bit.

Ack, my 10,000th post. Dunno if I like "Lifer". :(


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2006
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Ack, my 10,000th post. Dunno if I like "Lifer". :(

You'll just have to live with it, VL, just like you live with ATF. :p

Back on topic: under the "Main" tab in Rivatuner, look for the small buttons on the right, with arrow heads pointing to four o'clock. Click on each button to open up its sub-menu (Low-Level settings and Driver settings).



No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: betasub
Originally posted by: VirtualLarry
Ack, my 10,000th post. Dunno if I like "Lifer". :(

You'll just have to live with it, VL, just like you live with ATF. :p

Back on topic: under the "Main" tab in Rivatuner, look for the small buttons on the right, with arrow heads pointing to four o'clock. Click on each button to open up its sub-menu (Low-Level settings and Driver settings).

I think we must have different versions of RivaTuner. I'm using 2.2.0. There's not a seperate "Low-Level" and "Driver" settings, there's only one tab, "System" settings.


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Fallengod
8800GT with 180.48 dets

Anyways, I think the default autocontrol for fan actually does pretty much what I want. Where do you tweak those threshold settings though?

I realized what you had suggested actually wasnt what I was trying to do. I dont think this program does exactly what I had in mind so....ill just have to make do. I may just end up using the shortcuts on desktop.

With the fan speed done as you suggested and the reviews suggested(via temperature) I dont think that would work since Id be using gamma settings as well. I mean, if I have 2 profiles for example, one is desktop with slow fan speed and one is gaming with higher gamma and fast fan speed, wont profiles keep getting toggled on and off bouncing back and forth between different fan profiles as the fan cools the card, then heats up again, etc?

IE. It will get hot and load the higher gamma and the fan will cool the card down so it drops into the threshold of the lower fan profile with low gamma and itll keep toggling my gamma brighter and darker while im gaming. In addition, id probably be listening to the fan noise from raising, lowering, raising, lowering etc....

What I had wanted to do was, link the fan profiles with the .exe and I had thought it would like monitor the exe being loaded automatically so I could just launch the game and it would load the profile. After poking around, im pretty sure it doesnt do that.

You can tell it to only use the gamma settings when Hardware acceleration = 1. There's an option to monitor whether it's using any 3D hardware acceleration and you can also have profiles load based on that.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
thx cmdrdredd!

Monitoring by 3d hardware acceleration works perfectly!

I freaking love rivatuner. Makes it so when youre on desktop the fan blows low speed then as soon as you launch a game, it goes at high speed. Also can easily make it load my gamma settings...Freaking great...