I was working on the car yesterday and i was on a weird side so i ended up using my
left hand to screw something and thats when i realized i was totally stoogelike...and in the end
had to make the effort to get back on my right.
anyone just as adept right and left hand?...is there even a reason to train your left hand?..vice versa?...
i don't mean in case u lose the right one...i mean i wonder if it makes u stronger...more flexible...?
left hand to screw something and thats when i realized i was totally stoogelike...and in the end
had to make the effort to get back on my right.
anyone just as adept right and left hand?...is there even a reason to train your left hand?..vice versa?...
i don't mean in case u lose the right one...i mean i wonder if it makes u stronger...more flexible...?