Reuters/Zogby Poll: 14% approve of Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
You go Harry!!!
You rock Nancy!!


After six months, Democrats do have one bipartisan accomplishment: Everyone hates Congress.

The Dimocrat controlled congress last month had a 24% approval rating, LOWER than Bush, and so low, that it had only been that low 3 other times in recorded history.

Now, the Dimocrat controlled congress has hit 14%!!! I believe this is a historic, record low!!

Politically correct attaperson's all the way around for the Dimocrat leadership, and the Dimocrat controlled congress....our best hope for a Republican come back in 2008..

Who needs Karl Rove when you have Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, Obama, Kerry, Clintoon, Schumer (does anyone like Schumer?)....


Feb 23, 2005
In all fairness, they DID promise changes if elected ;) Most inefficient congress EVER.

edit nvm you added link hehe


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Democrats were sent to congress to end the war; they haven't followed through with their promises.
I am willing to bet the Iraq war is at an all time low as well.

This is not an indication of reid or pelosi's performance in congress but how stubborn Bush and his administration has been to end a war the people don't want.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
our best hope for a Republican come back in 2008
Now I know you're dreaming.

Iraq has eliminated any hope of a Republican comeback in 2008.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Stunt
Democrats were sent to congress to end the war; they haven't followed through with their promises.
I am willing to bet the Iraq war is at an all time low as well.

This is not an indication of reid or pelosi's performance in congress but how stubborn Bush and his administration has been to end a war the people don't want.

Youre joking, right? And people think Bush apoligists are in denial lol


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
This is not an indication of reid or pelosi's performance in congress but how stubborn Bush and his administration has been to end a war the people don't want.

That rascal Bush!!



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
You know Stunted, if the Dimocrats actually wanted to end the war..they could vote to defund it....gee, i wonder why they haven't called for that vote??

Now don't tell me they know it won't pass because they don't have enough votes to override a filibuster in the Senate, or a Bush Veto, because they have voted on lots of legislation that they knew would never get passed, for political theater..

but they won't call for a vote on defunding the war, because they are afraid that it not only won't get passed, but the political blow-back will kill will get used against them in the next election cycle, and they will lose big time...

so don't hide in Bush's shadow, and claim he's the fault Reid and Pelosi don't stop the war. Your side is afraid of losing in the next election if they call for such a vote.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
So you admit the only option the Democrats have to end the war is to de-fund it and accept the political blow-back. So tell me what the Dems should do in this situation as this war is an absolute mess and the American people want it over with. As long as Bush continues to veto efforts made by the Dems, the more difficult it will be for the Republicans to win in 2008. You can already see almost all the Republican presidential candidates distance themselves from Bush; hell look at their election funding so far. The Democrats have $111m cash on hand and the Republicans have $37m.

Even the Republican base is disgusted with the current administration and it's dragging down the whole party.


Dec 21, 2005
When are you people going to realize that "the war" will not end anytime soon, regardless of who is in the White House or Congress?!

It will take decades people - get used to that idea, I'm serious... decades!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well heartsurgeon,

You well may get your wish--as the chimp tries to weasel out of the promise he made only 45 days ago to buy three months more funding for the mini-surge, the deadline of an September 15 report card on the surge now looms large----why shouldn't the dems just fail to fund the Iraq occupation?????? That they have the votes to do---and the collective GOP does not.

The dems are taking a public relations beating in the polls for failing to rein in GWB as it is--and are trying to avoid forcing an immediate and total withdrawal that a abrupt funding cut could force---and would prefer to work with the President and the rational moderates of the GOP to develop a responsible Iraq plan that could work---but GWB's plan can't work---and if the moderate parts of the GOP will not join in with democrats to produce the veto proof 60+ votes---why should not the democrats cut the funding and pull the plug on the chimp?

But get real here---its the chimp thats acting totally irresponsibly---and the dems that are trying to do the right things for the good of the country. And if the dems do rein in the chumpie chimp by using the power of the purse.---I am guessing they will get much of their popularity back--but it still may not be whats good for the country---but never get confused---what GWB is doing is the worst possible course for this country.

I am optimistic enough to hope Lugar and Warner will join the dems and both can evolve a wiser bi-partisan course for Iraq---as for GWB--he will simply become thereafter irrelevant and lame.---and we can put him in the attic until its time to elect a new President. Which is what is best for this country right now.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: palehorse74
When are you people going to realize that "the war" will not end anytime soon, regardless of who is in the White House or Congress?!

It will take decades people - get used to that idea, I'm serious... decades!
The "war" on terror is an intelligence and international initiative, NOT a US military operation.
The Iraq war has done more to support terrorist groups in the middle east than any other event in recent history.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
The poll would be a lot more intresting if it ask who do you blame for the performance of congress.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
The poll would be a lot more intresting if it ask who do you blame for the performance of congress.

um...congress perhaps? :roll:

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: smack Down
The poll would be a lot more intresting if it ask who do you blame for the performance of congress.

um...congress perhaps? :roll:

In case you didn't notice congress is made up of more then one person.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: smack Down
The poll would be a lot more intresting if it ask who do you blame for the performance of congress.

um...congress perhaps? :roll:

In case you didn't notice congress is made up of more then one person.
...and they're ALL scum.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: smack Down
The poll would be a lot more intresting if it ask who do you blame for the performance of congress.

um...congress perhaps? :roll:

In case you didn't notice congress is made up of more then one person.
...and they're ALL scum.

Well said.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
14! That is phonemenal. It is trendy to hate congress now, just as it is trendy to hate Bush. I admit I like the second bandwagon. In any case, I want to see if we can have bush below 25 and congress in the singles. go, go go!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
When are you people going to realize that "the war" will not end anytime soon, regardless of who is in the White House or Congress?!

It will take decades people - get used to that idea, I'm serious... decades!

While I am sure you are willing to soldier on for decades---and perhaps like too well being the rough man willing to do violence, all things do come to an end. And while the total victory you envision may take decades or forever--the will to quit has now taken on critical mass---and you could find yourself back in the USA in just a few months.---and then how are you going to feed your violence addiction?

The position of the chimp is collapsing very fast---and angry congressmen in congress could cut funding at any time. You well could be totally discredited on your assertion with roughly the speed the Shah fell---or you could be right for a while longer. But decades??---you full of beans there.

Some other fools of a Congress and President may send the US military on another fools errand in quagmireville in subsequent decades, but not before the lessons of the present set of quagmires are so long over that they are forgotten.---we will need quite a few successes totally whipping a small man like in Granada to forget the humiliation---but after all, defeat is always more tasty when you can come up with a peace with honor slogan like we did in Vietnam.

Jun 27, 2005
*Waits for Evan Lieb to chime in about "normal cycles" in congressional approval*

Edit: Although to be fair, I believe the link in the OP was mistakenly referring to congressional confidence poll, not a job approval poll. But it's kinda six of one, half dozen of the other. And when only 14% of Americans have confidence in their elected institutions... That's bad. Real bad...


Nov 4, 1999
According to the "conservatives" around these parts, If the Democrats attempt to do something, they are:

1. Putting on a show or on a "witchhunt."
2. Attacking the troops and or hurting America.....

You are pre-disposed to argue against anything Democrat in nature - and your voices become more shril as time moves on - keep up the tone, ladies, and you'll be watching Hillary Clinton swore into office in 2008....


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
--the will to quit has now taken on critical mass---
I could not have said it better myself... some of you have made quitting a professional sport in and of itself.

The position of the chimp is collapsing very fast---and angry congressmen in congress could cut funding at any time. You well could be totally discredited on your assertion with roughly the speed the Shah fell---or you could be right for a while longer. But decades??---you full of beans there.
Mark my words: we will have a substantial troop presence in the middle east and central asia for at least two more decades.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: palehorse74
When are you people going to realize that "the war" will not end anytime soon, regardless of who is in the White House or Congress?!

It will take decades people - get used to that idea, I'm serious... decades!
If you're talking about the war on terror, it will never end. Terrorism has always been used and always will be. Indeed, your country committed the greatest terrorist act in history, which I don't blame it for BTW--just pointing that out, though.

If you're talking about Iraq, it's possible US will have a presence there for decades, like in Korea, but if you think the public will tolerate how it's going now for another few decades, no sir!



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
According to the "conservatives" around these parts, If the Democrats attempt to do something, they are:

1. Putting on a show or on a "witchhunt."
2. Attacking the troops and or hurting America.....

You are pre-disposed to argue against anything Democrat in nature - and your voices become more shril as time moves on - keep up the tone, ladies, and you'll be watching Hillary Clinton swore into office in 2008....
The same could be said of the Democrat parrots around here.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To UberNeuman---who says--You---meaning various Republican trolls are pre-disposed to argue against anything Democrat in nature - and your voices become more shril as time moves on

You have to understand--its not time that makes the voices more shrill--its the failures they have brought us that requires the shrill voice to distract us all from the obvious failures----and when the chimp's policy has totally self-destructed--their screams will have to become so loud that we all become become deaf---then all they have to do is blind us---and no one will be able to see or hear about their failures----brilliant---simply brilliant.


Apr 25, 2001
I'm not sure I see how a low Congressional approval rating is, A) The same thing as a low Democratic approval rating, or B) An indicating that people are going to like the Republicans again in 2008.