Reporting Results of 2 poll threads as a DATASET


Senior member
Nov 16, 2003
Is there any way that the poll results of a thread with two polls could be reported as a dataset of each responder rather than just as the number voting for each individual question? For example. If there are two questions, 1 and 2, and three responses to each: 1A, 1B, 1C, and 2A, 2B, 2C, respectively, is there any way to report results for any given voter as, for example, (1A, 2C) rather than just as two independent responses. This would allow the creation of a dataset so that the thread originator could do some interesting analysis of the data should he/she choose to do so. Thanks for reading if you have come this far.


Senior member
Nov 16, 2003
Anyone? I am new to this forum, sort of, so let me know if this is a stupid question or if it may be possible.