Ironically if infrastructure received a fraction of the attention those causes ever did I wouldn't even be posting about it. Thank you for the valuable apples to oranges comparison and healthy dose of overreaching liberal rhetoric, I shall treasure it always.
Nothing apples and oranges or overreaching about it. The irony is that it's exactly your attitude that PREVENTS more attention from going where it's needed.
How much attention did gay rights get the first century and a half in this country? No reason to talk about it, the politicians wojn't change it.
Ever hear that old saying 'all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing'?
You're the presumably good man not only doing nothing but whining if anyone bothers to point out that evil.
That's not how things get fixed.
If you want to buy into the whole 'ignore trillions shifted to the top because current politicians won't fix it because oh by the way that concentration of wealth has also corrupted our elections, so let'sonly allow discussion of solutions that fit within the rules of the corrupt current politics', you are helping to prevent any solution.
You've also heard the 'boiling frog' metaphor - well, the water is very, very hot and you're demanding we only shift deck chairs on the Titanic. Wow, a month of cliches in a post.
Look, to start a second month's worth, you have heard of 'starving the beast' - the intentional use of large debt to 'force' a democracy (specifically, ours) to make all kinds of government shrinkage that's bad for the people that can't get passed under the normal democratic processes - only as 'emergency cuts to address the massive debt'.
You are playing right into the hands of the people who want to transform the US from a country with a strong middle class and some reasonable amount of egalitarianism into a plutocracy, when you buy into that and pretend that the massive shifts being done can't be discussed and just have to be worked around, rather than citizens being informed and fighting the policies.
They would love for you to be that sort of powerless citizens who meekly says 'yes, sir' to becoming poorer and poorer as your democracy is taken away. You seem ok with it here.
Democracy has always said that citizens can surrender and lose it if they decide not to be vigilant over those who would take it; you are doing just that.
Since when is noticing the information in the charts I posted, which you ignored, 'overreaching'? That's bizarro world and embarrassing for a free citizen.