I just found out that my Ti4600, which I've owned for a year, is missing a capacitor! Also, another capacitor is not making contact with one of it's legs. The card worked fine except for casual lockup and lousy overclocking. Now, I happen to have a dead Quadro, it is essentially the same as Ti4600, but I don't know how to read these capacitors.
What I want to know is can I use the capacitors from the dead Quadro and attach them to the Ti4600. The capacitors I'm interested in are: one on the far left and one on the far right on the pictures (they are on the corners on the cards). Both have 470 numbers on them, I'm assuming that's the capacitance, but the other numbers don't seem to match.
Are these caps interchangable?
Also, when looking through old Anandtech articles I noticed that picture of MSI Ti4600 has one of the caps (one I'm missing) bent... What was up with that...?
What I want to know is can I use the capacitors from the dead Quadro and attach them to the Ti4600. The capacitors I'm interested in are: one on the far left and one on the far right on the pictures (they are on the corners on the cards). Both have 470 numbers on them, I'm assuming that's the capacitance, but the other numbers don't seem to match.
Are these caps interchangable?
Also, when looking through old Anandtech articles I noticed that picture of MSI Ti4600 has one of the caps (one I'm missing) bent... What was up with that...?