Repairing a heatsink in a laptop....


Jun 7, 2003
I have a Compaq notebook, yes I know its trash. After many disconcerting tries at diagnosing the prob its been determined that 1) Compaq sucks & 2) the heatsink/fan is crap. I have the Best Buy warranty and they said they could repair it but I also have the Compaq warranty still, its been under a year since I bought it. Is there a chance that if I take it to Best Buy they would not be able to repair it and therefore have to give me a new laptop or give me a gift card for the amount I paid. I was under the impression that this type of problem with a laptop is very serious and was hoping to be able to get a replacement like a Toshiba or Sony at Best Buy or get the gift card so I could sell it and get a Dell.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions welcome.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2002
Avoid BestBuy at all costs, it'll just cause you pain and suffering in the end. RMA it to Compaq, most likely they'll treat you 10x better than BB.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
BB will:

A: Find no hardware problem bill you $24.95 and call you a dumbass

B: Ship it to a BB service center and repair it (hope and pray it goes to a competent tech)

C: Ship it to a BB service center and then take 1-3 weeks to ship it off to compaq for repair

I would try to ship it direct to Compaq/HP


Feb 16, 2003
I'd first talk with someone at BB and talk to themr egarding their policy. Check with them if they charge any if no problem is found and get some other info on it. Go home, think about it and call up HP/Compaq and see what they are willing to do. Choose the better option. If Best Buy says they'll handle it and get it taken care of, do that. Also, how old is this? You may be able to get your money back because you didn't like it and tell them about the problem with it as well when you return it, if you do.


Jun 7, 2003
Well it won't cost me anything either way, its still under the Manufacturers warranty, and I purchased the extended warranty. The thing is I didn't buy it, a friend of mine did, he's basically in the corporate sector of Best Buy so when he takes it in (he's taken it in once before) it pretty much goes to the front of the line and it goes to the best guy he knows of) I'm not scared of getting ripped off by Best Buy, if they don't/can't fix it, he said he would get me a gift card.

Well he assured me he would get it taken care of pronto. Basically he's on it like a mofo and he's calling the cavalry in to borrow a quote from Pulp Fiction. I wouldn't mind a gift card though. <Fingers Crossing>