Originally posted by: LSUfan
I have it and used it. Get the replacement cost policy for a few more bucks. They really get you on depreciation if you dont.
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I lived in many apartments and never had renters insurance. I had very little and if someone wanted to sue me the would have gotten nothing.
Originally posted by: PipBoy
Originally posted by: HappyPuppy
I lived in many apartments and never had renters insurance. I had very little and if someone wanted to sue me the would have gotten nothing.
future wages can be taken from you!
Originally posted by: LedZeppelin
I vote for getting it also. I live in a two-story condo complex in the upper unit, but there is an old lady living below me. I'm afraid one day I'm going to come home and see my place burnt to the ground because this old bitty refused to put herself in the nursing home where she belongs. You never know when a neighbor will do something stupid in their haste when they're running late, like leave the iron on, forget to turn the stove off, etc. Better to be safe than sorry.