Removing item from device manager


Dec 16, 2007
I really need some help in removing something from my PC. I am unable to run Quake Wars, have uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia drivers multiple times, using driver sweeper in between.

I discovered that I have an ASUS Enhanced Driver Display Helper Service in my Device Manager. I have tried multiple time to uninstall this and/or disable it, however my PC will not reboot correctly after I do this. I am then forced to go back to the last known good configuration. Is their any way to safely remove the ASUS registry entries? Or is their some method of manually getting rid of this?

Thanks, if more info is needed to help, just ask.


Nov 17, 2007
assuming you know how to disable services and to stop them from running...
have you tried this?

type 'msconfig'

check off some start up programs?

btw, can you list your video card specs and system specs. cause quake war may need SM3.0 and microsoft .Net to installed properly. I don't recally exact but just want to make sure you meet those minimum requirments.

why can't you run quake wars? can you explain in detail on the nature of the problem and can you confirm ASUS enhanced driver display helper svr IS the reason?


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
Unless it is corrupt or malfunctioning, the ASUS helper service should not have any effect at all on your ability to play games. If you want to remove it for testing, you can uninstall it from the Add\Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.

When you are done testing, download and re-install the latest version of the driver from this link. Scroll down to the bottom where it says "Latest Splendid Utility Download" and select the appropriate version for your operating system.


Dec 16, 2007
I do not know for sure the Asus helper service is the problem. I cant disable or uninstall it, when I try to do that, I have to restart and get a very fast blue screen I dont have time to read, it then reboots again and prompts to start in safe mode etc. The only way to get everything running again is to go with the last known good configuration.

I have an EVGA 8800GT video card.

I get this error message:

FATAL ERROR: The OpenGL driver doesn't support wglChoosePixelFormatARB

I have contacted both nvidia and EVGA, they have tried to help, but nothing has solved the problem so far.


Nov 17, 2007
well finally you posted some useful info :) It appears that you are not the only one with this problem.

check this out

next time, just google your error exactly as it appear, it might be faster than waiting for us. Good luck


Dec 16, 2007
I will give that a go, thanks. Ive already tried nvidia and EVGA, they are trying, but no luck. I have found that the Asus Display driver does in fact cause issues, but I have no idea how to remove it.


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
Originally posted by: amabee
motherboard Intel DG965RY
video card EVGA 8800GT

As I continue my quest, I ended up here:"><a target=_blank class=ftalter...ex.php?t38924.html</a></a>

I tried removing the ATKOGL from my registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers

Still does not work

I'd suggest debugging the dumpfile you get when you bluescreen (see my webpage, bluescreens section).

I'd suggest ensuring you're using the very latest driver from


Dec 16, 2007
I did as you suggested, but what do I do now? I did not find any recent dump files. I have one from 2/4/07 and one from 9/23/07.

I have the latest nvidia driver, but, I ran a program called OpenGL extensions viewer and it shows two "ICD" drivers, the old ASUS one and the nvidia driver. It also show the majority of the core features are unsupported and that the ASUS driver is being used, not the one from nvidia. Here is the report:

System Info
Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

Microsoft Corporation

GDI Generic


Core features

v1.1 (100 % - 7/7)
v1.2 (12 % - 1/8)
v1.3 (0 % - 0/9)
v1.4 (0 % - 0/15)
v1.5 (0 % - 0/3)
v2.0 (0 % - 0/10)
v2.1 (0 % - 0/3)
OpenGL driver version check (Current: 6, 14, 10, 129, Latest known: 1.1.0):
Latest version of display drivers found

According the database, you are running the latest display drivers for your video card.
No hardware support

Your current video configuration DOES NOT support hardware accelerated OpenGL.
No compiled vertex array support

This may cause performance loss in some applications.
No multitexturing support

This may cause performance loss in some applications.
No secondary color support

Some applications may not render polygon highlights correctly.
No S3TC compression support

This may cause performance loss in some applications.
No texture edge clamp support

This feature adds clamping control to edge texel filtering. Some programs may not render textures correctly (black line on borders.)
No vertex program support

This feature enables vertex programming (equivalent to DX8 Vertex Shader.) Some current or future OpenGL programs may require this feature.
No fragment program support

This feature enables per pixel programming (equivalent to DX9 Pixel Shader.) Some current or future OpenGL programs may require this feature.
No OpenGL Shading Language support

This may break compatibility for applications using per pixel shading.
No Frame buffer object support

This may break compatibility for applications using render to texture functions.
Few texture units found

This may slow down some applications using fragment programs or extensive texture mapping.
Extension verification:
GL_EXT_color_subtable was not found, but has the entry point glColorSubTableEXT



Nov 13, 2001

you can TRY this reg cleaner that I been using seems foever now and it will allow you not only to do registry clean ups but you can go through and remove stuff that starts up everytime your pc is turned on making it take forever to boot up, and you can remove any reminants of old deleted, and still installed, software.

Im sure there are others out there that do the same, but this is the one I been using and cofortable with. Just go into the main screen and look up anything that has your old driver crap in it and repmove it, then go into uninstal and removemore, then do a reg clean up and all should be right with world, hopefully ;)


Elite Member
Oct 23, 2003
amabee -

Is DirectX 9.0c (or the latest from MS) installed?

What does DXDiag say? ( in enter... tell us version info)


Dec 16, 2007
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

I tried using the reg cleaner, should I remove the .dll files?? Or will that really mess things up?



Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by: amabee
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

I tried using the reg cleaner, should I remove the .dll files?? Or will that really mess things up?

When ever I have one thats giving me hell I delete ever single part that deals with it in software, uninstall, start up, and reg cleaner I do them all. It does creat a back up as you do it on the off chance it becomes worse, but I have only had that happen 1-2 times over the years and then I just back the system back up through the program and be a little more selective when choosing what to delete at that point.

If you dont already know its tools-reclean-do them all, but I dont recommend doing that till you been through the other stuff to be sure you have removed all of what it is giving you the trouble first, then that, so when you restart it should all 100% be gone out of the system, and if there is a problem after you know it was not that doing it but something else more fun to go find out.

OH and if you want you can go back in safemode and restore your pc to a much eariler date before you weent and screwed around with all this crap. just hit the F8 key several times while booting and select safe mode w or w/o networking, then it should ask you when booting that up at somepoint if you like to resore your pc, select yes and think hard about what date you were not having any troubles and go there. It may delete some programs and stuff, small price to pay to get the one way ticket out of hell if all you need to do is re-install some programs when it is finished.


Senior member
Nov 29, 2007
Before you bought the evga 8800gt you were using the on-board GMA3000 graphics yeah? If so, were there any problems prior to installation of the 8800gt? Did the problems start when you installed the 8800GT?