Originally posted by: Buzzman151
how is that illegal? If I understand correctly, he can have the Windows 98 installed on the computers if he sells the person the license and product key. If he doesn't sell them the license, he can take off his product key, leaving the old insallation and making the buyer put in his own key. I understand it as, you're buying a license for the software, it doesn't matter where you get the install cd. I've always been wondering about this and would like to know if I'm in the right thinking or not.
Here's the problem with that. If you're NOT an OEM, you definitely don't have the OEM preinstall kit of Win98 lying around, to prep the computer for someone to setup a CD key for Win98.
What Inferno is doing is basically illegal: have Win98 installed, but remove the key and have someone else enter their key instead. If inferno had installed the OEM kit version of Win98 and had the person he sold the laptops to buy their own copy, that would be fine. Nope, Inferno installed a full, complete, branded Win98, using one key. When trying to transfer this key, that becomes the problem.
My suggestion to Inferno is to either format the drive with MS-DOS, leaving it bootable (possibly with CD drivers) working, or install a flavor of linux that shows the NIC, video, etc work. I *never* sell my computers with a license of any MS application on it, unless I give away the cd and key with it.