Remove GPU heatsink.


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2001
I want to remove the heatsink from my Radeon and reatach it, or replace it with a new heatsink as ringht now there is a 1mm gap to the core and I can feel the back of the card getting hot.

I thought of just using a thin screwdriver and it would just pop of but it is not cooperating and I don't want to break the card.

Also, I was wondering what adheive to use to reatach it. I know Arctic silver is good but it is permenent and expensive and I don't need that much. I saw in an earsier post the drops of super glue at the corners is enough but was wondering if super glue can handle the heat that might be generated, Sometimes to hot to touch.



Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2001
well, are there plastic pushpins on the heatsink? if there are, then you will need to squeeze in the ears on it and let it pop out. if there isn't, then the simplest way is to use a nice thin standard-head screwdriver, insert between the edge of the heatsink and the PCB, and twist. be VERY careful not to be resting on a resistor or something on the board as you may damage them. you might want to drape a little piece of cloth (a paper towel is perfect) between the screwdriver and the PCB so you don't damage the traces.

i have some arctic silver adhesive and it is great stuff, but kind of dangerous. superglue is not so good as it is not very thermally conductive. you can try squirting superglue and standard arctic silver on the chip, swirl it around with a touthpick, and then plopping the heatsink on top. there should be enough AS in the matrix of the glue to get some cooling. also, thermal tape is cheap and easy to use, but not so good thermally.


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2001
I don't have pushpins, it is just glued on. I used a screwdriver and got it off. I heard some sounds from preasuring the PCB a little I hope that is fine. The problem is that the core or the heatsink is crooked so if I put the heatsink on the core there is a visible gap between them in the center. I'll try laping it and then use some old ASI instead of wasting AS3.