Registering for classes.... graduate a semester early?


Senior member
Jan 20, 2005
Current plan:

12-hours in Summer '06
9-hours in Fall '06
9-hours in Spring '07

= Graduate in May '07 with Bachelor's and then start Master's in Summer '07

OR, deedor, deedor......

New plan:

15-hours in Summer '06
15-hours in Fall '06

= Graduate in Dec. '06 with Bachelor's and start Master's in Spring '07

Keep in mind that this is while working a full 40-hours per week and going to night classes (though some are at the community college and will be taken online)

Wouldya do it? Couldya do it? Have ya done did already done it? Yes, I will be a crack addict and an alcoholic if I do the 15/15 thing, but I'll be so glad to get my first degree out of the way and go on to the Master's where I'll really get to have fun.

Decisions, decisions....


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
Do not do 15 and 15 if you have a full time job. All that will happen is you will crash 'n' burn and it will take you longer still.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Meh. Unless you are in a huge rush I wouldnt do the 15. I am in college and while I would like to make a lot of money(which I hope to do when I get out of college) college isnt a bad place to be at all. I work as well..and 40 hours plus the 15 credit hours would be brutal. You grades will probably suffer, and then maybe hurt yoru chances of getting into the Masters program you wanted to get into.



Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Heh I've got 6 credits left to graduate (If I did them over the summer I would finish up in a total of 3 years) but I told my parents I have another 30. That way I don't have to go to law school for another year! :D


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
My vote: 12/18 if possible (otherwise 15/15), graduate this winter, and quit the job to get it done.

Unless you have a fabulous job now, you are financially better off to do it that way in the long run. If you do have a fabulous job now, why bother with all the extra schooling?

Math time: what gets you more money?
(A) (5 months salary of a crappy job now) + (costs for not being full time).
(B) (5 months salary of a job that requires a masters degree) - (the miniscule interest on a student loan) + (the student loan interest tax deduction).


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: jread
Current plan:

12-hours in Summer '06
9-hours in Fall '06
9-hours in Spring '07

= Graduate in May '07 with Bachelor's and then start Master's in Summer '07

OR, deedor, deedor......

New plan:

15-hours in Summer '06
15-hours in Fall '06

= Graduate in Dec. '06 with Bachelor's and start Master's in Spring '07

Keep in mind that this is while working a full 40-hours per week and going to night classes (though some are at the community college and will be taken online)

Wouldya do it? Couldya do it? Have ya done did already done it? Yes, I will be a crack addict and an alcoholic if I do the 15/15 thing, but I'll be so glad to get my first degree out of the way and go on to the Master's where I'll really get to have fun.

Decisions, decisions....

Just remember that 12 credits is considered full time, and if you have scholarships or loans/grants that are dependent upon your full time status taking 9 credits will likely mean you lose the money. Also, I don't know where you go, but at UF you can't get football tickets if you are less than full time!

/edit 15 is the normal course load to graduate in 4 years (120 creds to graduate) I've worked 40-50 hours a week and carried 16 credits, it sucks because you leave work and go to class then do schoolwork instead of getting a break, but it is far from impossible.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2005
Originally posted by: DaShen
Originally posted by: DaWhim
take it easy

Yes. If you are already accepted into Grad school, then take it easy and have some time to yourself.

I am already accepted.. just ready to get there. Another reason I'm considering this is that tuition rates are going up quite a bit in 2007 :(

Oh, and quitting work is not an option. I have a mortgage, bills, etc. I'm not a kid but an adult student going to night courses.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2005
Well, talked to my advisor and she thinks it's possible. She's going to look deeper into it and see if there's a schedule that would work.


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2001
I thought recently about graduating a year early myself (have a total of 6 classes left that are required, which is easily done in 2 semesters). Then I reconsidered and am thinking about spending the extra year getting a physics minor (since I wanted one from the beginning anyway). If you're doing it just to get out a semester early, then don't bother, because another 6 months of school doesn't really matter. If money is an issue, I would say go for it. If you want to get out for some other reason, weigh it yourself.