Just as an FYI to those interested, I ran across this region free Blu-Ray player for the first time today:
Momitsu BDP-899
It's $350 w/ free shipping through 6/22, which I guess isn't that out of line with other players, plus the fact that it can play any region disc makes it attractive. (of course had HD-DVD won out we wouldn't have to worry about region coding, but noooooooo...
Anyway, here's a review of the unit as well:
Momitsu BDP-899
It's $350 w/ free shipping through 6/22, which I guess isn't that out of line with other players, plus the fact that it can play any region disc makes it attractive. (of course had HD-DVD won out we wouldn't have to worry about region coding, but noooooooo...
Anyway, here's a review of the unit as well: