"Refurb" 2407WFP ... flickers?


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I have been the proud owner of a Dell 2407WFP for the better part of 2 years. Recently, I discovered that somehow the power button broke on my otherwise pristine panel. It was partially broken, it would rotate in the hole on the bezel - if it wasn't in the proper orientation it could not be actuated to turn the monitor on or off. Aight... do I dare call Dell up and have them replace it and take my chances with a refurb?

I did.

I'm disappointed.

The panel I received in exchange works, no dead pixels... but I noticed something odd about it. First off, it's very bright - not a big deal, turn down the brightness right?

Second off, you can really emphatically see that it's a 6-bit panel... the shade gradients are very prominent - but is that just because it's so bright? My previous panel was much less noticeable, though if you paid attention you could see the gradients.

The third thing is what irritates me the most - I never noticed anything like this on my old panel. As images move and change, say for instance scroll a web page, or better yet just move the mouse cursor around, you can actually see the panel sort of "flicker" as if it's changing brightness. It seems like it's some sort of level auto-adjust or something, but it's something I had never noticed on my old panel. It's fairly subtle, easier to see if you have a darker background with some contrast elements to it.

Other than that, the panel seems to work fine. There's no other issues with it that I can tell (aside from one moment during setup I was adjusting the colors and the panel went purple for a moment, but hasn't happened since).

Should I be concerned? Would this be acceptable to call Dell on if the panel otherwise has no physical issues with it? It "seems" just a little off to me, but I'm not sure whether I'm just being too picky or not here.