I just picked this guy up at the local gun show in Salt Lake City last weekend. It was still fairly greasy, so I did the "dishwasher" trick, reoiling everything afterwards. The stock came out well -- the cosmoline had weeped out and been washed away. I sanded the stock in 3 separate passes, wiping it down clean after each time, to remove dust.
I wish I had taken "before" and "progress" pictures, but it looks WAY better than the "before". These pictures are after two coats of Minwax "Special Walnut" stain. I let the stain sit for about 10 minutes, then wiped off with a rag. I waited 5 hours, then repeated a second time, again waiting 10 minutes for it to sit before wiping.
Stock and Gas tube
Close-up of Stock
The Product
Disassembled Carbine
I noticed the stamped numbers are now much more defined. I also noticed 3 numbers stamped in the "trigger-safety-cutout" part on the stock that I hadn't seen before I did the sand and stain. Anyone know what these are? I'll have to get a good picture if you don't know what I mean.
I wish I had taken "before" and "progress" pictures, but it looks WAY better than the "before". These pictures are after two coats of Minwax "Special Walnut" stain. I let the stain sit for about 10 minutes, then wiped off with a rag. I waited 5 hours, then repeated a second time, again waiting 10 minutes for it to sit before wiping.
Stock and Gas tube
Close-up of Stock
The Product
Disassembled Carbine
I noticed the stamped numbers are now much more defined. I also noticed 3 numbers stamped in the "trigger-safety-cutout" part on the stock that I hadn't seen before I did the sand and stain. Anyone know what these are? I'll have to get a good picture if you don't know what I mean.