Redhat - Geforce4 GUI Problems


Oct 17, 2001
I've installed both Linux Redhat 7.3 and 8.0 with my GeForce4 Ti4400. I've run Linux before and had no problems. But when I built my new computer and installed 7.3 and 8.0 both boot into command mode fine and are operational. However if I decided to run startx the GUI interface flashes then crashes and gives me some error message (can't remember what it says). I also tried to tell it to boot straight into the x windows but then it just flashes the screen over and over again and I never enter x windows. Any ideas ... I read on redhat's site that the Geforce4 is not officially supported in 7.3 but I figured that in 8.0 it would be. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!