First problem of many...
On a fresh install (checked the everything box) of Red Hat 8.0
I cant seem to get Mozilla to stay open.
I can connect to the net, ping and ftp, but when Mozilla loads
up (blank page) and I enter in a URL or "g" (for google) or
starts to get data from a web site, it closes.
It might be a security issue. The firewall is set to "HIGH", but
when I try to change it and click on the yes button, mozilla still
acts the same and checking the security level setting, its back on
I'm logged in as root, same happens when I made a new user.
-Any help is much appreciated.
-Thank You
On a fresh install (checked the everything box) of Red Hat 8.0
I cant seem to get Mozilla to stay open.
I can connect to the net, ping and ftp, but when Mozilla loads
up (blank page) and I enter in a URL or "g" (for google) or
starts to get data from a web site, it closes.
It might be a security issue. The firewall is set to "HIGH", but
when I try to change it and click on the yes button, mozilla still
acts the same and checking the security level setting, its back on
I'm logged in as root, same happens when I made a new user.
-Any help is much appreciated.
-Thank You