Red and white lights blinking in sky last night?

Sep 29, 2004
Driviing to my hockey game last night, I noticed strange lights in the sky. Moving at hte pace of an airplane (small one). But it had red and white lights that flashed at hte rate of a strobe light. VERY fast. I have no idea what it was. Are there any planes with lights like this?

The only theory I have is that it was a jet engine and hte trail from the exhaust was causing the lights to look like they are flickering at agreat rate.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: I'm guessing hte lights were somewhere between Westchester and East Hampton. Iw as going west on Route 2.

Time: Approximately 9:15 PM


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
i'm going to go with a "weather balloon" or "swamp gas"
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: IHateMyJob2004
Originally posted by: Tiles2Tech
Do'h, which state was this in?

Connecticut. I'll look on a mapt to guess where in CT

I was on Route 2 going west. Just passed the Colchester exit I think. So, I'm guessing hte light was located (guessing on distance here) somewhere Westchester and East Hampton.