Recruitment speech for TeamAnandtech RC5?


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
My cousin recently bought a Compaq 800Mhz PIII. I got the idea of recruiting him and my schoolmates to crack for TA RC5. So i wrote up a lengthy speech. Was wondering whether this would be enough?
Any suggestions and amendations are welcome!
BTW, my cousin's name is Eugene.

Eugene, listen. Now you've gotten your new hot 800Mhz Pentium III computer, you're gonna need do some burnin to verify it's stability.

Might i introduce you to the concept of Distributed Computing. It's a form of data-processing whereby the data analysis is of a huge project is shared by many different computers. Thereby, using the internet, we're getting to utilize the enormous processing power of the many different computers on Earth which are connnected to the internet.

Because of this method of tapping computing power, we're able to process complicated projects like the deciphering of the influnza virus, the coding of genomes, etc. Many researchers are turning to this method of data processing to save them the cost of installing dozens of expensive supercomputers and the maintainance cost.

Therefore, i'm suggesting that you take up one of the projects by DistributedNet
called RC5

What are the benefits of RC5? Well, first of all, you're proving that distributed computing works. The objective of RC5 is also to prove that 64Bit encryption on the internet is insufficent.

Besides the official reasons, running the RC5 client program continously is a very good test of your CPU and network systems. It gives your CPU something useful to do when idle. An example of an idle CPU is when you're reading mail, surfing the web or typing a letter. On an 800Mhz Cpu, even playing MP3s shouldn't take more than 10% of your CPU time. That means that 90% or more of your CPU cycles are being wasted!!

Would using these CPU cycles shorten your CPU's life? NO! WHY?
Because Windows 9X notes when the CPU is idle and instructs it to process looping 'garbage' instructions. Therefore, if you install RC5, you're finally making the most of your CPU! This is maximising on the investment you made in buying your computer!

Would running this program make my other programs slower? NOPE!Because the RC5 client is set to run on the lowest priority. Meaning that if another program starts, CPU time is automatically given to it. RC5 only takes up your IDLE and SPARE CPU cycles. It also only rquires a memory space of 2MB. I checked my own system for the information.

The other benefits are as follows. This program burnins your CPU, making sure that your processor is stable at it's current running speed. Therefore any potential problems are identified and corrected before any instability in your system causes you any inconvenience. The output keyrate of RC5 also gives you info on which programs are CPU demanding and lets you identify other badly written CPU hogging programs.

Another point to note is that with current modern CPUs, motherboards and operating systems, thermal cycling becomes a problem as processor idle times cause the CPU to enter a low power mode. While this enables a certain minimal amount of power saving, the long term effects are to cause potential electronic pathway degradation of your CPU due to the constant temperature changes wihin the core.

The temperature changes of your CPU also affect the ambient temperature within your casing. As temperature changes, the components in your system expand and contract. Constant expansion and contraction also lead to premature failure. Therefore, Install and run RC5 today! RC5 will prevent these problems by letting your CPU run at a constant temperature and avoid all those nasty temperature swings!!



Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Successfully converted my cousin with that speech.

I'm currently thinking of leaving my computer on to crack RC5 when i go to school during the mornings. But with the winter season coming, there're more and more thunderstorms.

Is it advisable to get a surge protector if i go through with my plan? Cos today i got about 5 alerts from Asus Probe warning me about low voltages all across board. The 12v, 5v, 3.3v lines dropped voltage for pretty long times, nearly half a minute. Am getting worried.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Got my cousin's numbers. Seems that my Duron@800Mhz is better in RC5 than his PIII 800Mhz.

He got 2.01MKeys/s, then 1.99MKeys/s then 1.98MKeys/s while we were chatting on ICQ. I already got him to unload everything in taskbar and memory except explorer, systray, ICQ and RC5. I've got 2 more apps in memory than him, BlackIce and Asus Probe. I get 2.76, 2.67, 2.67MKeys/s.


Junior Member
Aug 14, 2000

<< What if DPC copy though? >>

Don't worry, we can't read English ;)
Besides, we've all given up after DanC's threa(d/th)s you know... Bwhuha etc.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Hmm. any recommendations for a UPS? Is it really necessary? Are they expensive?

Also, the fluctuating low voltages, what could be the cause of the problem. Please don't tell me that it's the powersupply which i had already replaced a month ago. Or is it possible that the line quality of my power outlet is so bad it conks out my powersupply?


Senior member
Jun 12, 2000

<< Is it advisable to get a surge protector if i go through with my plan? Cos today i got about 5 >>

you would be better off buying a UPS rather than a surge protector,a surge protector will only help if you get too high a voltage a ups will protect you from high and low (brown outs)voltage.:)


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Trout? Hmm, i'm a vegetarian... hehe

Also DanC, congrats on your fantastic opportunity!

Do you plan to donate one datacentre for Seti?


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Dang, just got another warning, voltage for my 12V line dropped to 8volts for nearly 20 seconds! I'm getting real worried. Hope it's merely fluctations in my area's power net. Nothing a UPS can't take care of.

I want a UPS that will do line conditioning too. Are they expensive?


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
hehe -
I'm going to remain mum on the subject. My preference is that the DPC consider me quite insane. That will lead them into a feeling of false security. As you can see, I manipulate them quite easily.
I quite frankly don't give a fat rat's a** what they say about me. I won't engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.... hence - I have trout!

btw - I really DO have trout... neat fish, and growing by the day.
We'll see what we can do to help you!

Nothing is happening immediately - big projects take time, and obviously they don't all happen at once. The wild speculation about keyrates, etc... was mind-boggling. I was talking about throwing some extra keys into the mix while we were burning machines anyway. It got way out of hand. Also, humor and irony don't cross language barriers very well. Just watch our keyrate in the future, and we'll just sit back and smile. :)


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
You're our mascot man! :)

Maybe you could post some pictures of your trout. (Or of what's left after what Russ did... j/k)

Then we could all appreciate the serenity of fish. The peace before the storm, literally speaking. (The storm of massive blocks upload from TA) I hope dnet is prepared...


Golden Member
Dec 8, 1999
jinsonxu, I've used several flavors of APC backUPS and Merlin G&eacute;rin. When main voltage goes under a certain threshold (sometimes adjustable) the UPS takes precedence, and maintains nominal voltage from battery for a period of time. Those that do 'conditioning' will also maintain the AC sinwave, eliminating noise as I understand, but i doubt that is essential for the average PC.

Once I was burning a CD at home when the lights went off (too much load on the mains, because of electric heating). The UPS went 'beeep' and the PC didnt notice, finished burning and the CD was perfect.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Hmm, so how much for an average UPS? I've no wish for my components to fry or get corrupted due to fluctuation in power input.

Just imagine it, a nice cool, stormy winter night, with me getting my lowest CPU and motherboard temperatures and my highest RC5 Keyrate. Then suddenly my lights flicker off then back on and my computer is shut down. Urgg, or maybe to come home from school and get a frozen desktop as greetings.


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000
UPS's can range from $30 to $300. (approximately).

The best ones seem to be the ones from APC.

I have a very cheap UPS ($40) that I use mainly to protect my computer from low voltages. The decent UPS's seem to start at around $90.


Oct 9, 1999

One particular thing you said worries me:

<< voltage for my 12V line dropped to 8volts for nearly 20 seconds! >>

As much as I hate to say this, unless you've got REALLY screwed up wiring in your home, you've got a problem with your power supply. This is far too large a spread.

The other possibility is that ASUS Probe is reading incorrectly. When you see a drop that large, do you get any errors? System halts? Do your fans slow way down? If not, the reading might not be accurate. Try monitoring it in the BIOS for a while, or maybe try another monitoring software.

Russ, NCNE


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
I'll try motherboard monitor. I didn't think it was necessary since i had Asus probe. Is the drop of 4 volts really that serious? I didn't notice anything wrong with the conputer during the minibrownout time.

No freezes or crashes nor any rebooting. Was also having winamp on at the same time, no discernable change in the music either. I'll note the situation when it happens again.

Edit Update: +5Volts line dropped to 3.79volts for 4 seconds but everything seemed to work ok.
-5volts dropped to -3.2volts for 2 seconds. No change in system performance detected. Have 2 internet windows, blackice, ICQ, RC5, Jet-audio and asus probe running not to mention my virusscan.


Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Russ, it becomes even more wacky now. Asus Probe just warned me that my CPU temperature rose from 46 degrees C to 138 degrees for 3 seconds! Is that possible???

If it's not, then is there something wrong with my motherboard?


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

I hope those reading are false reading.... That would be some serious problems... How long have you had that PS and have you tried using a diff PS? Worth a try. At least then you know either you have a bad PS, Both are bad, or the monitoring client is reading wrong... Good luck....

And I like the letter.



Golden Member
Aug 19, 2000
Came back today, plugged in a surge protector for fun and turned on the compt. Asus Probe gave me interesting warnings again. I fired up MB monitor. With both on at the same time, i got even more warnings.

-12V dipped to -16V, +12V dipped to 0.8V (YES, 0.8V), CPU fan became 0 rpm for 4 seconds,on other times, it drops to 2.2k rpm, 3.3V line gave lots of problems, dropping to 2.2V.

When i bought my MB and processor, i also bought this casing and installed a 350Watt PS which failed exactly 1 week later. I went back and they replaced it free of charge. Same brand and model. I'm wondering.....


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
jinsonxu, running both monitoring programs at the same time will interfere with each other. Shutdown one before running the other.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2000
Hi jinsonxu,

Russ is correct, if you are getting such a wide swing in voltages then something is wrong besides your electric service.

If your electric service is really bad then you may be interested in the following. I recently bought a CyberPower UPS/AVR. It provides constant regulated power within a very close tolerance. A UPS only kicks in when a threshold is reached while an AVR is always providing regulated power. Their model 700AVR sells for $129.95 US and the 900AVR is $149.95 US.