Recommendations on Audio Setup.


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2001
I want to build a audio setup mainly to listen to Mp3 and watch movies. Should I get the Klipsch 5.1 and connect it to the computer or should I connect the PC to a external home stereo? what will i need to do this? I mean amplifier and stuff.

Finally I need to upgrade my system and I want to get the Athlon XP should I pair it with the Nforce since I heard that the APU of the Nforce is awesome? I don't have a good soundcard so I will have to upgrade that anyway.

Please let me know ur views.

Thanx a lot.


Dec 22, 1999
Using a home stereo is allways the better choice, but at a much greater cost. There is almost no limit on what you can spend on an amp/receiver and speakers. A good home setup with dolby digital will probably be in the range of $2000.00 with ok speakers. You would need a receiver which is an amp and preamp in one and 6 speakers (left,right,center,surrounds,sub). You might be saying to yourself that you've seen speakers for just a couple hundred dollars and you would be right, but if you're going to the trouble of getting a receiver for better sound, please don't scimp on the speakers. The speaker make more of a difference in the sound than your receiver. Good speakers connected to a cheap receiver can still sound good as long as there is enough power to drive them. On the other hand, cheap speakers hooked up to a good receiver will allways sound cheap. If you're just getting started, I would probably go with a computer speaker system like the Klipsch you menitoned. As far as the Nforce goes - it's not a bad choice if you want everything integrated. I don't really care for integraded boards (with audio and video) since I'm allways looking to upgrade, but the Nforce does give you good all around performance and you will save a few bucks by using the Nforce instead of buying all separate boards. If you do decide to go with a separate video and audio card, I would suggest a board based on via kt266a chipset. These boards and the Nforce are on par with respect to performace, but you can get a stripped down via board and save a lot of money if you're going to get separate video and audio cards.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
If your room isn't very large, the Klipsch 5.1 system might be more economical, but of course an external hifi stereo or multichannel system would sound better. What you would need is a basic receiver, integrated amp or preamp/poweramp setup. The receiver would probably be the best bet, especially if you want to view DVDs on your system. You would also need a speaker system, either plain stereo or 5.1. Together, the cost would definitely be more than the Klipsch 5.1 system, but you'd get noticably better sound.


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2001
thanx a lot everyone. What soundcard would u suggest for a system like this? I will be watching movies on the TV. I will probably get a motherboard based on the KT266A since I already have a Radeon.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
your source isn't going to sound very good unless you're encoding your mp3s at a high rate, so your playback method wouldn't matter. since you're doing the tv thing i think it might be best to get a home-theatre package and set those up around the tv then some inexpensive computer speaks (those logitec klipsch killers in hot deals, perhaps?) setup around the computer, along with a soundcard that allows you to switch between the two easily (the santa cruz's versajack would come in handy for this)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
If you need gaming compatibility, then I'd suggest a Philips AcousticEdge/SiesmicEdge or thr Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. If you just need normal stereo/surround sound, then the M-Audio Audiophile 2496 provides the best quality/price ratio.