Recommendation for 9800 Pro cooling?


Sep 16, 2003
Anyone got any recommendations for good cooling solutions for a ATI 9800 Pro video card? Ram heatsinks and heatsink/cpu fan for core would be good. Thanks. :)
Apr 17, 2003
yeah, STOCK

the core easily does 425 mhz with the stock HSF
also, the ram is 2.86 ns so it isnt gonna go past 360 mhz regardless of what you use to cool it


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2002
I like to use the $5. svc gc-68 on video cards. It works great with a panaflo L1A (because I like quiet) and doesn't require too much modding to make it fit. I like the way the fan blows directly on the memory too. You give up three pci slots though. There's some great pics of people's video card mods at overclocers.


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
Originally posted by: yruffostsif
Originally posted by: Phantron
Wow, those guys need to get lives

lol, no way i'd eat 3 pci slots for ~10 fps.

I would. I'm using one PCI card right now, a TV tuner. Not to mention the big reason I'd do it - noise reduction. $5 for a near silent setup? Sounds good to me! (pun intended)


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2003
I do so like to use the IceBerg 4 pro setup at newegg. But it really depends on which card you get and how much you want to do with it. BBA's don't need a new cooling even if you only intend to oc them but not too far. If you intend on getting reduculous then the first thing you should look for a ram-sinks. Some cards even some bba's come with ram-sinks stock but they help alot for going a higher oc on your ram. As for the gpu itself you should get in the area of 425 on stock cooling with a bba. if you go saphire or one of the other anufacturers that put additional cooling on it isn't really neccessary unless of course you wan 450 or more out of it.


Golden Member
Apr 1, 2003
Originally posted by: pelikan
I like to use the $5. svc gc-68 on video cards. It works great with a panaflo L1A (because I like quiet) and doesn't require too much modding to make it fit. I like the way the fan blows directly on the memory too. You give up three pci slots though. There's some great pics of people's video card mods at overclocers.

How did you attach such a large HS to the GPU? Is frag tape that strong? AS adhesive?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2002
Originally posted by: LilHen
Originally posted by: pelikan
I like to use the $5. svc gc-68 on video cards. It works great with a panaflo L1A (because I like quiet) and doesn't require too much modding to make it fit. I like the way the fan blows directly on the memory too. You give up three pci slots though. There's some great pics of people's video card mods at overclocers.

How did you attach such a large HS to the GPU? Is frag tape that strong? AS adhesive?

I drilled two holes in it and bolted it on.
I don't use any pci slots so I have plenty of room. The cooling is very quiet and allows volt-modding and a hefty overclock.