Recommend Playstation 2 Games


Senior member
Apr 30, 2004
I am about to buy a Playstaton 2 and was wondering which two games I should buy. They don't have to be the latest ones. Recommendations?


Junior Member
Apr 21, 2004
ICO is only around 10 hours of gameplay, but the ending is fantastic. It's $15 at Best Buy.

Devil May Cry (not 2!) is good if you like to shoot things, Silent Hill 3 is good if you like to be spooked. I haven't played Beyond Good and Evil; I hear good things about that one as well, but I'm not sure of its genre.


Senior member
Apr 28, 2004
If you are a sports fan the EA titles are the best bar none. Madden 2004 and NCAA Football 2004 are my favs, ability to play online is awesome.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2004
Can't stand sports games. The only game i would be interested in is Cricket, if they have it.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Final Fantasy X is a great RPG.
Disgaea is a great tatical RPG.
Grand Turismo 3 is a great race sim.
Devil May Cry, action game, top notch.

What kind of games do you like, there are tons on the greatest hits list alone worth buying.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2004
Devil May Cry and GT3 are my first choices. I would love to get my hands on the newer games but they are 50bucks a pop.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2004
Final Fantasy X
Dark Cloud 2
Kingdom Hearts is decent but nowhere near as good as the above listed

Good action

GTA:Vice City
Resident Evil : Code Veronica X
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
War of the Monsters
True Crime : Streets of LA

Good FPS

Unreal Tournament (kinda old but still good and prolly cheap now :) )

Good Simulation/Action

Star Wars : Starfighter

I don't really play sports games but go to and check out some reviews there, I'm sure that'll help


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: heresiarh
Delorian, good list of games. I'll look into some.

No, it was a bad list of games :|. He said Kingdom Hearts was worse than FFX, Summoner and Dark Cloud 2. Which is infact backwards. KH is better than most of those and most likely tied with FFX (depending on how much you liked FFX).

Good RPGs:

Kingdom Hearts
FFX-2 (plot sucks, still fun though)
Suikoden 3
Arc the Lad
.Hack Series (if repetition doesn't wear you out)

There's more, I'll list them when I get home. Also don't forget to make sure you get PSX RPG games as well, any that you might have missed.

The obscure ones (at least 2 of these came out after PS2):

Vagrant Story
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tales of Destiny II
Dragon Warrior 7
Legend of the Dragoon

I'll give you a decent list when I get home. Make sure you check out prices, a lot of awesome games for under 20 dollars!


Senior member
Mar 10, 2004
Originally posted by: skace
Originally posted by: heresiarh
Delorian, good list of games. I'll look into some.

No, it was a bad list of games :|. He said Kingdom Hearts was worse than FFX, Summoner and Dark Cloud 2. Which is infact backwards. KH is better than most of those and most likely tied with FFX (depending on how much you liked FFX).


Well, if you consider the fact that Sephiroth is voiced by Lance Bass from N Sync (Sephiroth is evil Square, pure evil not sappy love singing wuss), the mini-games are much more annoying and the battle system is much more repetitive and uninteresting than FFX's I'd say it's definitely not tied with FF-X. I do like Kingdom Hearts, I just would not list it in my top 5-10 games for the PS2.

Also, why is it a "bad list of games?" The only argument you had was that you liked Kingdom Hearts better. That was one out of thirteen.

It's also worth mentioning that Final Fantasy Tactics/Xenogears/Legend of Dragoon (while wonderful RPGS) are definitely PS1 titles and were released long before PS2, though PS2 will still play these. To get ahold of these either look for a re-release (greatest hits) or on ebay.

Read around for awhile before purchasing these games as a lot of them are viewed very differently between different people.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Delorian
Well, if you consider the fact that Sephiroth is voiced by Lance Bass from N Sync (Sephiroth is evil Square, pure evil not sappy love singing wuss), the mini-games are much more annoying and the battle system is much more repetitive and uninteresting than FFX's I'd say it's definitely not tied with FF-X. I do like Kingdom Hearts, I just would not list it in my top 5-10 games for the PS2.

Also, why is it a "bad list of games?" The only argument you had was that you liked Kingdom Hearts better. That was one out of thirteen.

It's also worth mentioning that Final Fantasy Tactics/Xenogears/Legend of Dragoon (while wonderful RPGS) are definitely PS1 titles and were released long before PS2, though PS2 will still play these. To get ahold of these either look for a re-release (greatest hits) or on ebay.

Read around for awhile before purchasing these games as a lot of them are viewed very differently between different people.

Oops. I didn't mean that to be a mean face, I meant a sad face and I was just playing around (no hard feelings? :)). I will say that Kingdom Hearts had a better story than FFX and was a lot more fun. Seph does look very badass in KH and I think they did him justice, considering his incarnation in KH is possibly his HARDEST form ever. He was never half as strong in FF7. I considered him a true badass 1 winged angel in KH and I don't care if N-Sync voiced him or if Strongbad did.

On the other hand FFX was a good RPG but represents what Square has done to their FF line. The side quests are absurd and most of them don't even flesh out until right before the final battle. Consisting of killing just about every monster in the game and dodging lightning 200 times in a row. You want to talk about annoying?

Personally. Putting DC2 and Summoner in front of KH was the bigger crime. DC2 was a step up from DC1 but still a failure in my opinion. It has the same problems of the original, the random dungeons that all pretty much look and play the same. Very simplistic dungeons, very simplistic goals.

And while Xenogears, FFT and Dragoon were all released before PS2, they are probably the best RPGs you can own :). That is why I HIGHLY suggest them to anyone who may have missed them. Infact, I wouldn't even recommend Xenosaga (since Xenogears was much better) but I have hopes that Episode 2 will build on Episode 1.

Although, it looks like Ebgames only has vagrant story and xenogears as pre-played :(. I bought 2 copies of FFT for 14.95 at ebgames (new!). Ew, you can't even buy legend of dragoon new anymore. Man that is harsh. I'd have to look around some more but I usually try to get games from ebgames when possible. I've never bought their pre-played games, but I may try since I still need a few more PSX games that are no longer available new. The good news is that the pre-played games are 12.95 for the most part and that is pretty cheap for a game.

I think I could list about 50 games from home to get for PS2. I liked my PS2 so much that I bought a second one after my first one stopped working.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2004
No hard feelings at all, both agree for the most part :)...

Yes some of the side quests in FFX were bad, I'll agree to that, but every game has those. What about the find 100 of this, 10 of that, 3 of these, 93.5 of those in KH? I think that's ridiculous. The Gummi Ship thing also bugs me. This is an RPG, not a miniature StarFox! Thank god for the Warp-G. I tried to ignore the Gummi Ship sections of the game as best I could as they added no value to the game IMO. Summoner was a launch title for the PS2 and with so many failures at the launch it stood out. It was never highly recognized as any thing better than average and in fact I hated it until I figured the combat system out. But it was an engrossing story of back-stabbing, plot twist insanity combined with VERY large maps & dungeons and pretty good graphics (for the time) that made this one stand out. I think it is as good or better than KH, granted Volition doesn't have a money-funded backing like Square. DC2 was inventive and fresh. Yes the dungeons weren't the greatest (not many games have much variety in that department anyhow) but I enjoyed building new vehicles and inventions in many different ways, it allowed the player to be much more creative than standard treasure box hunting titles. Xenogears was excellent (I even bought a copy off ebay not too long ago) except for the extremely annoying platforming sections. If you missed a jump, which was easy to do, you were set back quite a ways with the same old line of random encounters all the way to get back to attempt the jump again. KH has this too, not quite as bad but it is still annoying nonetheless. RPGs never have to be platformers. 3rd person is fine, but just not jumping around everywhere like a regular old mario game.

Overall, pretty much all the games mentioned here are worth renting/buying (most of them I own or would buy).


Senior member
Apr 30, 2004
Over the weekend I will spend about $100 buying PS2 and Gamecube games. I will post here what I bought. But at the moment, I am enjoying Metroid Prime.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2004
Originally posted by: heresiarh
Over the weekend I will spend about $100 buying PS2 and Gamecube games. I will post here what I bought. But at the moment, I am enjoying Metroid Prime.

Metroid Prime is an excellent game, easily one of the best things GC has to offer for now, I'm interested to see Metroid Prime 2 (it has multiplayer!!!)


Aug 9, 2002
Ace Combat 4 if you're into flight SIMs and dog fighting.

Hell, I still play Resident Evil 2 on my PS2. My all time fav.

Silent Hill 3, GT3, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City. Mortal Kombat Dark Alliance.

Haven't been keeping up to date though. I switched to PC games for all the Real time strategy games and turn based games. And not to mention shooters like Far Cry.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2004
Absolutely no sports games, and GT3 was a huge disappointed. It is too slow in the beginning for my taste, specially for a car game.