After graduation I moved into an apartment with a friend who's extremely sensitive to noise. Because of this I've had to wear headphones while doing most things on the computer. My iPod earbuds are wearing out and I'm really beginning to despise the feeling of them in my ear. I was wondering if anyone could help me pick out a pair of headphones (not earbuds) that fit a really large head (not sure exactly how big - but I had the largest head in my AP Bio class when we measured them :/), has a reasonably long cord, and must be COMFORTABLE. Wireless headphones would be sweet provided they aren't too expensive. I'm not looking to spend more than $30-50 (less the better) so no fancy sound isolating or canceling earphones as they tend to hurt my head anyways. I plan on using them for listening to music, playing games, and doing work. Let me know what you guys recommend...thanks!