<< WHATS WRONG WITH PICO?!?!????!!? >>
I dont like it. It was cool before I learned how to use vi, now it just feels limiting. >>
i can understand for doing complex things, but to change a few numbers around or something, i dont get why one would use vi. i know how to use it (the basics) but like, if i wanna type "fart", i have to type an "i" and
then "fart".
oh well i guess it just comes down to "different strokes for different folks"
and for a distro, i'd recommend for a newbie who wants to take it easy, mandrake, redhat or suse. if ya wanna get your hands dirty right away, and really learn something, try debian or slackware. i started off with redhat and now use debian, which i like a million times better than redhat.