I've read most of the threads, and while the ads were scanned, no one really mentioned this deal (that I saw).
BB is selling Bus-Link DR16's for $69.99 w/ a $20 MIR, they're really rebadged Lite-On LTD163's, which someone had mentioned were in somewhat of a demaned (they retail for about 85-100). They had a bunch in stock at the B&M when I went there, or they're available online http://www.bestbuy.com/Detail.asp?m=1581&cat=1588&scat=&e=11080092 (although it doesn't list the MIR online for some reason).
Nice drive, pretty quiet, rips DVDs nice and quick, but I tried copying a file off a burned CD to HD and it took an extraordinarily long time, even though someone said this drive is listed as the #2 top speed drive.
BB is selling Bus-Link DR16's for $69.99 w/ a $20 MIR, they're really rebadged Lite-On LTD163's, which someone had mentioned were in somewhat of a demaned (they retail for about 85-100). They had a bunch in stock at the B&M when I went there, or they're available online http://www.bestbuy.com/Detail.asp?m=1581&cat=1588&scat=&e=11080092 (although it doesn't list the MIR online for some reason).
Nice drive, pretty quiet, rips DVDs nice and quick, but I tried copying a file off a burned CD to HD and it took an extraordinarily long time, even though someone said this drive is listed as the #2 top speed drive.