wel there wil be no official fsb stings after 133 so unless you want to o/c an eb chip that 150mhz stuf is pretty useless(pc 133 cas2 should reach 150 cas3)
If you're looking to spend less than $200, go for the Mushkin Siemen Infineon PC133 stick. It's $165 at the moment I believe. However the "REV2" Mosel Vitelic is the $195 128Meg stick, and I think it goes somewhere around 155Mhz at CAS2. So it depends on how much you're willing to spend The packaging Mushkin uses will make you smile.
I just picked up some Mushkin PC133 CAS2 rev1.5 last week and it came with mosel chips. It cost $170 shipped. I'm betting it could do 150 but I have never tried it. I figured the Rev2 stuff wasn't worth the extra $30 as I will probably never go past 133 or 140FSB.
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